Coffee review

This is the basic knowledge of espresso Italian concentration.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Espresso was born around 1946, and this unique coffee drink has long been popular in Italy, Spain, Portugal and other southern European countries. But it was not until around 1986 that espresso was spread all over the world. Since then, people in the coffee industry around the world began to know and understand this kind of coffee. About ten years earlier than the Chinese people came into contact with espresso. And it...

Espresso was born around 1946, and this unique coffee drink has long been popular in Italy, Spain, Portugal and other southern European countries. But it was not until around 1986 that espresso was spread all over the world. Since then, people in the coffee industry around the world began to know and understand this kind of coffee. About ten years earlier than the Chinese people came into contact with espresso. And it is the legendary espresso.