Coffee review

[coffee knowledge] eight factors affecting hand-dripping filtered coffee

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Since statistics have been released on Wechat public platform, we can clearly see the number of retweets per Wechat and the net increase of fans every day. I hope that if you like Maoye's Wechat, help forward Wechat more. In this way, friends around us can see more coffee sharing from Maoye, and seeing the growth of fans will always encourage Maoye to work harder to edit each.


Since statistics are released on Wechat public platform, you can clearly see the number of retweets per Wechat and the net increase in followers every day. I hope that if you like Maoye's Wechat, help forward Wechat more. In this way, friends around me can see more coffee from Maoye to share, and seeing the growth of fans will always encourage Maoye to work harder to edit every Wechat.

Hand drip filter coffee has always played an indispensable role in individual coffee, and most of the individual coffee products in Maoye shop are mainly hand drip filtration.

First of all, the hand drip filter coffee is very convenient to clean (from this we can see that the cat is very lazy); second, the taste of the hand drip filter is cleaner, and the overall flavor is easier to express; finally, the variable that can be adjusted by the hand drip filter coffee is easier to control.

Many friends on Wechat want Maoye to talk about the practice of filtering coffee by hand. In fact, if you search for a video on Youku, you will know that it is nothing more than a circle when steaming and hand brewing, and then control the gouache ratio by yourself. So today, Maoye will not talk about these things, but is going to talk about the variable factors that affect the hand dripping coffee, so that we can learn to adjust some parameters according to these variables.

For a long time, Maoye divided several variables affecting hand-brewed coffee into: 1, coffee beans; 2, scale; 3, water temperature; 4, the material and shape of the filter cup; 5, steaming time; 6, the design and heat preservation effect of the hand pot; 7, the ratio of water to powder; 8, the control of the barista.

The above ranking according to the importance is purely personal opinion, welcome to correct.

Let's start with the first and most important factor-coffee beans. For many baristas, coffee beans are an unchangeable factor, because many baristas work hard to make coffee in an environment surrounded by commercial beans, so they can't make very good coffee no matter how hard they try. As the old saying goes, "A clever housewife cannot make bricks without rice" is a description of such baristas. So if you are eloquent, you'd better persuade your boss to come and buy some fresh customized beans from Maoye's family (advertising, please don't leave, come back soon) our Taobao:, as long as the quality of the beans is improved, the back is technically controllable, so there is nothing to talk about about coffee beans. You may not make good coffee with good beans, but you can't make good coffee with bad beans.

The second factor is the scale, which is what we call the bean grinder. Under the same beans, a good bean grinder is the most important link that affects the flavor, and a suitable scale is the most important factor to express the flavor of coffee. Therefore, if you want to express what kind of flavor, you should use the corresponding scale, hand-dripping coffee generally use medium-thick particles (such as gravel or thicker). Many novice friends often walk into a misunderstanding that coffee should be ground as finely as possible, but the result is just the opposite. the control of fineness is the most important factor for a coffee to express the correct flavor. Of course, before you adjust the scale, you first need to understand the beans you use. if the beans you use are medium-and deep-baked, such as Mantenin, then your fine scale may bring more intense aroma and mellow thickness, but it will also bring bitterness and astringency, and if you thicken it, it may bring some grass aroma. But Manning, which loses most of its alcohol thickness, is actually incomplete, so you have to adjust the scale over and over again to the taste you are satisfied with. And if you use medium-to-shallow baked beans, such as Yega Xuefei, then the use of too fine scale may produce strong acid, and the astringency is very serious, which can easily lead to excessive extraction, especially when you take longer extraction time, and if you use too coarse scale, it may bring bright acidity, but the aroma and sweetness of Yega Xuefei will also be much lighter. So how important is the proper scale to a coffee bean? the scale required for the best flavor expression of each kind of coffee is different, so in the last part of the scale, Maoye should talk about it specially. Don't ask me privately what the scale is, because there are great differences in bean grinders, including the same type of bean grinder, so the scale must be adjusted by its own taste buds. After all, whether it tastes good or not is very subjective.

The third factor is the water temperature. Many people may wonder why Maoye put the water temperature in the third such an important position, can't the water just boil? Well, Maoye would like to tell you today, in fact, the water for brewing coffee can not be too high. Maoye thinks that the acceptable water temperature for coffee is from 80 ℃ to 95 ℃. If it is just boiled water immediately, then the coffee powder is likely to be scalded by high temperature hot water, resulting in the loss of flavor, and the excessive extraction of water-soluble substances in coffee powder will lead to astringency. The control of water temperature can generally be adjusted according to the thickness of the scale. If you grind it thicker, you can use a slightly higher temperature, and if you grind it finer, you can use a slightly lower temperature. If you are looking at this Wechat, you might as well have a good try. These are all variables that must be adjusted. Low temperature is easy to produce soft fruit acid, but the sense of hierarchy is slightly worse, high temperature will grind the fruit acid more sharply, and the level of flavor will be more prominent.

The fourth factor is the material and shape of the filter cup. At present, the common filter cups on the market are V60 conical single-hole filter cup, KALITA three-hole trapezoidal filter cup and basket filter cup. Different filter cups will have different taste, can not say which kind of filter cup is good or bad, can only say that the expressive force is different. In the filter cup, Maoye pays more attention to the material, which is very important to retain the aroma of coffee. At present, the common materials on the market are resin, ceramic, glass, stainless steel, pure copper, copper plating, silver plating. Also has its own advantages and disadvantages, here the cat will not elaborate, the cat thinks that the metal filter cup for aroma retention will be fuller, it is recommended to use the metal filter cup, but the metal filter cup is generally expensive.

The fifth factor is the steaming time. In fact, steaming is only through the hot gas produced in hot water to open the fiber-like structure in the coffee powder, so as to make the extraction of coffee more complete. Conditional friends can try non-steaming extraction, there will be insufficient extraction of the smell of water. Generally, the water used for steaming is relatively less, from the central small water injection circle to the outside until the coffee powder is wet, and then let the coffee powder expand and breathe, the steaming time is generally from 15-35 seconds, the steaming time of deep-baked beans is generally shortened correspondingly, and the steaming time of shallow-baked beans can be increased accordingly. The reason why steaming requires a smaller flow is that if the flow is too large, it will destroy the infiltrating structure of the surface layer of coffee powder, and the water hammer effect caused by too much water will wash a lot of fine powder directly to the bottom of the filter cup. Affect the coffee extraction behind.

As for the sixth factor, Maoye thinks that the hand flushing pot is not the thinner the better, and it is not good to walk into this misunderstanding. there are many beans that taste better when washed out with a large current. At present, Maoye does not like the handflushing pot with a small current. Generally speaking, if Maoye recommends the hand flushing pot, Maoye will only recommend Harrio's Yunduo pot and the moon rabbit seal. Moon Rabbit is on sale in our Taobao store. You can check the details. Remember, the essence of hand flushing is not the fine flow, but the control of the flow.

The seventh factor is the ratio of water to powder. In fact, the better the beans, the richer the hierarchy, so the better the beans, the lighter the gouache ratio, in fact, reduce the cost and improve the flavor correspondingly, so you can refer to this one for coffee shop owners who use inferior commercial beans. Generally speaking, gouache is recommended by Maoye from 1:10 to 1:20. In the normal face of a new cup of coffee that has never been touched, Maoye will start at 1:15, and then according to the reaction of the taste buds, he will decide whether the second cup should be diluted or stronger, or that sentence, his own taste should be controlled by himself, and Maoye can only tell you how to change these variables.

The eighth factor, baristas. The reason why baristas are placed in the last position by Maoye, I believe you will understand here that baristas are actually just people who control these variables, as long as you are a qualified barista, then you can fully control the taste of a cup of coffee by controlling these variables. The taste of coffee is always above that of a barista. I hope some baristas don't take themselves too seriously. Coffee is just a drink, and you are just a person who makes drinks seriously.

Baristas who want to take themselves too seriously should not make personal attacks on Maoye. The most important thing is to work together to make good coffee. It's easy to make a cup of coffee, but you have to keep trying and adjusting to make a good cup of coffee. So if you as a consumer, every cup of delicious coffee you drink actually comes through untold hardships, from our hard work to find raw beans, test the roasting degree, test the cup, and then grind and brew carefully in the hands of the barista, you can get a good cup of coffee, and maybe what you drink is only a successful cup of coffee. But the success of this cup has experienced millions of failures that you have never understood.

Love coffee, if love, please love deeply.

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