Coffee review

History of introduction and expansion of Coffee in early China (5)

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, 1. From the first peak period of the development of China's coffee industry (1952-1961) to the late 1940s, according to recorded figures, there are 2173.33 hectares of rubber plantations in Hainan Island, with a total of 867600 rubber trees, with an annual output of 199,000 tons of dry rubber, and more than 300,000 coffee plants. the annual output of coffee beans is 1 ton. According to a survey in the early 1950s, there was a large amount of coffee left in Fushan area of Chengmai County, with a total of 70,000.

1. The First High Tide of Coffee Cultivation in China (1952-1961)

By the end of the 1940s, according to historical records, Hainan Island had 2,173.33 hectares of rubber plantations with 867,600 rubber trees and an annual output of 199 tons of dry rubber; more than 300,000 coffee plants were planted, with an annual output of 1 ton of coffee beans. According to the investigation in the early 1950s, there were more coffee plants left in Fushan area of Chengmai County, with a total of 70,000 plants, among which there were more than 40,000 plants in Daji Village and more than 10,000 plants in Fushan Farm (Hongguang Farm). According to the 1954 survey, there were more than 290,000 "2" plants on the island. Coffee was introduced to Leizhou Peninsula around 1949. Chen Jingyao, an old returned overseas Chinese from Xuwen County, brought back some Arabian seeds from Malaya. After seedling cultivation, he planted them in Kengzai Village.

When new China was founded, all waste was waiting for prosperity. This country, which has just emerged from the semi-feudal and semi-colonial state and years of war, has entered a comprehensive social transformation: economy, politics, culture, ideology and mode of production have changed, developed and innovated with the founding of the People's Republic of China. Positive, scientific and progressive things grow and strengthen in the confrontation with negative, ignorant and backward things. In order to consolidate the newly-born political power, enhance the people's sense of identity with the new democratic politics, and accelerate the completion of social reforms, the first generation of the central collective leadership represented by Mao Zedong led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to devote themselves to restoring the national economy. Guangdong's agricultural reclamation undertaking is a brand-new undertaking invested by the state after the founding of the People's Republic of China, cultivated, constructed and operated on state-owned land. The leaders of the Party and the state were very concerned about the agricultural reclamation cause. Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Chen Yun, Deng Xiaoping, Dong Biwu, Chen Yi, Liu Bocheng, Ye Jianying, Deng Zihui, Guo Moruo and Wang Zhen all visited the reclamation area and cared about the development of the coffee cause. In 1952, Sun River Coffee Factory, the first coffee monopoly manufacturer in New China, was established in Overseas Chinese Farm in Xinglong Town, Wanning County, Hainan Province.

The development of coffee farming in Guangdong began in 1954. Based on the original coffee tree, carefully select seeds for reproduction. In 1955, 127.47 hectares of coffee were planted in various state-owned cultivation fields in Hainan reclamation area. In 1956, South China Reclamation Bureau applied for foreign exchange from the state to import a batch of coffee seeds totaling 581.6 kg from Indonesia and Malaya; and distributed these seeds to Hainan Reclamation Sub-bureau, West Guangdong Reclamation Sub-bureau, Hepu Office, Yantang Reclamation Farm, South China Subtropical Crop Science Research Institute and demonstration farms in various counties for trial planting. In the four years from 1956 to 1959, 1,426.67 hectares of coffee were planted. There are 55 farms (stations) planting coffee (including trial planting), of which: Hainan reclamation area has 33 farms (stations), planting coffee 906.67 hectares; West Guangdong reclamation area has 22 farms (stations), planting coffee (including trial planting) 520 hectares. During these four years, 53.7 tons of dry coffee beans were produced. This is the first vigorous period of coffee cultivation in Guangdong.

Yunnan Province promoted the development of Lujiangba coffee in Baoshan City to meet the needs of Eastern European countries and Soviet Union in the 1950s, making Lujiangba the first small coffee production base in China. At present (1994), this batch of original seeds is still the main variety of Yunnan Arabica coffee, with an area of 2666.67 hectares. Of course, the original mother plant no longer exists. But according to the present situation of field planting, 83.6% of the varieties are iron-Bi varieties, and 16.4% are Bobang varieties. At present, the seeds of this batch of original seeds not only provide the demand for planting in the province, but also provide planting in Hainan, Guangdong and other places, but also continuously provide corresponding cultivation technology data. Thus, Lujiangba in Baoshan City became the scientific research center and birthplace of Arabica coffee in China, which played a positive role in coffee production.

A Complete Record of Early Trial Planting and Expansion of Coffee in Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation (1955~1980)

serial number


trial planting year

Trial planting area (ha)

Year of planting

Planted area (ha)

harvest year

Production (tons)



Dehong Fenju Shiyan Station








State-owned Lujiang Farm







2854.05 kg/ha


State-run New Town Youth Farm








5692.5 kg/ha


State-run Shuangjiang Farm







All replanted in 1975


State-owned sheltered farm







Production area 13.73 hectares


State-run Hekou Farm







State-owned Jinghong Farm



in 1979




State-owned Ganlanba Farm







State-owned Wanding Farm








Mengsheng Farm







All scrapped in 1963


State-owned Tianbao Farm







All scrapped in 1963


State-run Babu Farm








State Health Farm







All scrapped in 1961


State-owned Simao Farm








State-owned Menglian Farm






state-owned Mengyang Farm







Harvested area 22.67 ha


State-owned Mengding Farm







Harvested area 85.87 ha

Yunnan Province agricultural reclamation began to develop coffee production from the mid-1950s, mainly planted in Shuangjiang Farm and Dehong Branch Experimental Station in Lincang District, covering an area of 18.67 hectares, and also in small areas such as Zhefang, Hekou, Lujiang, Jinghong and Ganlanba. Due to the suitable environment for coffee growth in various places, since 1957, various farms have developed in large areas, and the first climax in the history of coffee cultivation in Yunnan has appeared. In 1960, the planting area of the whole reclamation area reached 2,186.67 hectares, accounting for about 60% of the province's planting area, accounting for about 1/4 of the national cultivation area.

1952-1961 In 1997, coffee cultivation in China was in its first high tide. Hainan Island and Yunnan Province were the main coffee cultivation areas in China, with a total area of 5066.67 hectares, of which Hainan Island was 1426.67 hectares (Cultivated variety is Robesta); Yunnan is 3644 hectares, of which Yunnan farming is 2186.67 hectares, accounting for about 60%; the rural areas of the province are 1457.33 hectares, accounting for about 40%(cultivated variety is Arabica).

2. Coffee in China Experienced a Low Period of Macroeconomic Adjustment (1962-1980)

In August 1960, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the eight-character policy of "adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement", emphasizing once again the need to shorten the basic construction front. Only after the 7,000-member National People's Congress was held in early 1962 did the Central Committee's understanding gradually converge. It was not until April 1962, after the Central Committee approved the "Report on the Discussion of the Adjustment Plan for 1962" of the Central Financial and Economic Group, that the problem of excessive infrastructure construction for many years was seriously solved.

In the early 1960s, coffee was unsalable in the international market. Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation implemented the management policy of "taking grain as the key link" and solved the problem of "grain self-sufficiency". Since 1962, coffee development has been stopped. Most of the original coffee gardens were in a barren state with serious diseases and insect pests. All coffee gardens in the western Guangdong reclamation area were naturally eliminated. A small part of the coffee gardens in Hainan reclamation area was preserved, and only 153.33 hectares were preserved by 1974.

From the official data of Yunnan agricultural reclamation, the author has made a memorandum statistics on the farms with more than 66.67 hectares of coffee planted in the low period of China's coffee industry due to the macro-adjustment of the state. For example, the coffee planted in Lujiang Farm of Yunnan Province is Arabica small coffee (belonging to Tiepica and Bobang). It was successfully introduced in 1955 and has developed greatly year by year. In 1959, it reached 100 hectares. In the 1960s, due to market and price reasons, the farm had cut coffee, and only 20.33 hectares were retained in 1978, which was the most concentrated and largest Arabica coffee cultivation land in China at that time.

In 1958, the state-owned Mengyang Farm planted 239.6 hectares, and in 1960, it was infected with rust in a large area. In 1961, the harvest area was only 22.67 hectares, with a total of 1.94 tons of coffee beans and a yield of 577.5 kg per hectare. After that, except for 0.67 hectares of experimental land reserved by Team 2, all of them will be scrapped;

Shuangjiang Farm of Lincang Agricultural Reclamation Sub-bureau planted coffee 10.47 hectares annually in 1956. In 1959, each farm planted coffee successively. By 1961, the total area reached 240 hectares, and some of them began to be put into production. During the winter solstice of 1962 and spring of 1963, the reclamation area suffered a rare frost, which reduced the coffee in Mengsheng Farm from 95.67 hectares to 9.4 hectares, with a loss of 92%, and Mengsa Farm from 73.67 hectares to 40 hectares. By 1970, there were only 2 hectares left in the whole reclamation area, and almost all the original seed areas were abandoned.

The state-owned Mengsheng Farm planted 186.67 hectares of coffee from 1959 to 1961, which was abandoned in 1963 due to severe cold damage after production.

From 1959 to 1964, the largest coffee planting area reached 508.27 hectares, and the total production of coffee beans was 3.74 tons. Later, due to export obstruction, forced to change production.

After 1961, due to the restriction of product sales, a large number of coffee trees that were not put into production were destroyed. By 1970, only Lujiang and Xincheng farms had 37.07 hectares left. Although it was restored to some extent, by 1980, the total cultivated area was only 78.53 hectares.

To sum up, China's coffee industry in the national macro-adjustment of China's coffee industry in the low period, the country's coffee industry has seriously shrunk and entered the lowest period. There are four main reasons: (1) the continuous deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations and the closed-door policy and imperialist blockade at that time;(2) the adjustment of national macro-economy, the focus of national agriculture is to solve the food problem related to people's food and clothing;(2) especially during the ten-year turbulent Cultural Revolution, coffee consumption is also regarded as an asset-price lifestyle, with limited sales in the domestic market, price decline and export setbacks;(4) The disease and insect pest in coffee planting area are serious, and the expansion and yield are restricted.

3. Chinese coffee ushered in a recovery period with the country's reform and opening up (1981-1989)

From December 18 to 22, 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing. The main achievement of this conference is that it re-established the Marxist ideological line of the Party. The plenary session resolutely criticized the erroneous policy of "two all's," spoke highly of the discussion on the criterion of truth, and defined the guiding principle of emancipating the mind, using one's brain, seeking truth from facts and uniting as one to look forward. the marxist political line was reestablished. The plenary session resolutely stopped using the slogans of "taking class struggle as the key link" and "continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat" and made the strategic decision to shift the focus of work to socialist modernization.

In 1980, the first National Coffee Conference was held in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province.

In 1980, nearly 20 years later, coffee began to re-develop as the second main business in Yunnan reclamation area. Coffee was mainly planted with small seeds, such as Bobang and Tibika. Eight steps farm first planted 8.73 hectares. Since 1981, Tianbao and Jiankang have been planted in the upper limit zone of rubber planting area. By 1985, the accumulated area reached 225.8 hectares. In 1982, coffee was put into production, producing 5.08 tons of dry beans. In 1985, the annual output rose to 38.7 tons. A total of 108.82 tons of coffee beans were produced before and after, of which 105.08 tons were produced in the later period. Babu Farm is a coffee farm. By 1985, the area had grown to 71.47 hectares. From 1982 to 1985, 67.28 tons of coffee beans were produced, accounting for 64.0% of the total output of the whole branch. The plant has a simple processing plant with a daily processing capacity of 50 tons of fresh fruit.

In the late 1980s, with the participation of UNDP assistance Yunnan project and Nestle, Mai's coffee professional production groups, the coffee price rose to 30 yuan/kg at the highest. By the end of 1988, the province's area recovered to more than 1333.33 hectares, among which Lujiang Dam in Baoshan City had more than 666.67 million hectares and the total output was about 500 tons, but it had not reached the highest level in history.

In 1986, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the government of Haikou City, lent 50 million yuan to the bank to build Haikou Lishen Instant Coffee Factory, and introduced China's first instant coffee production line from abroad. The installation and commissioning began in the second half of 1987, and it was put into production in 1988. The product quality reached international advanced standards. It was a successful case of China's coffee taking the lead in introducing, digesting and absorbing advanced equipment.

From 1980 to 1987, a total of 3620 hectares of coffee were planted in Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation Bureau, including 1886.67 hectares planted by Hainan Agricultural Reclamation Bureau, 1300 hectares planted by Tongshi Agricultural Reclamation Bureau and 433.33 hectares planted by West Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation Bureau. This was the most vigorous period of coffee planting in Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation Bureau.

4. Peak Period of Comprehensive Development of Coffee Industrialization in China (1990-2008)

In 1992, Yunnan Coffee Factory was established. It is a coffee cooperation project between the Chinese government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The total assets of the enterprise are 23 million yuan, which belongs to Yunnan Land Reclamation Group. The company moved to Kunming National Economic and technological Development Zone in 2004 and now covers a total area of 15751 square meters and a construction area of 4200 square meters. Main buildings: workshop 1248 square meters, warehouse 1774 square meters, office building 866 square meters. The process equipment of the factory: a full set of automatic rotary flow sliding bed coffee roasting production line imported from NEUHAUS company of Germany, vacuum integral coffee powder automatic packaging machine of OPEM company of Italy and one-way valve fresh-keeping automatic packaging machine of roasted coffee beans of ICA company, realizing fully closed automatic production. With an annual production capacity of 1000 tons, it is the largest and most complete professional manufacturer of roasted coffee in China.

From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, with the economic policy of opening to the outside world, invigorating the domestic economy, and earning foreign exchange through exports, Yunnan coffee continued to enter the international market and was welcomed by consumers because of its good quality. it has become the main crop for earning foreign exchange in Yunnan. At the same time, this development situation has promoted the development of coffee planting industry in Simao and other states. The total area of Yunnan province has reached 4666.67 hectares and the output has reached about 800t, which is steadily increasing and showing an upward trend year by year, which has begun the third upsurge of coffee planting industry in Yunnan.

In April 1997, Hongtian Group, Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, was established, mainly engaged in coffee and rubber trade. After years of development, it has become the largest integrated enterprise of coffee cultivation, processing and deep processing in China. Hongtian Group was named as one of the 13 "advanced private enterprises" in Yunnan Province in 2001, and has been continuously rated as the key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization by nine ministries and commissions since 2002. Hongtian Group is the only national key leading enterprise in the coffee industry. Hongtian Group's "Hougu" trademark has been named as a famous trademark in Yunnan Province.

In 1998, the "opinions of the people's Government of Yunnan Province on speeding up the development of coffee industry" was issued, and the coffee industry finally ushered in the development opportunity. "since 1998, 140 million yuan will have to be injected every year. In order to ensure the smooth implementation according to the plan, on the premise of persisting in the input of enterprises and farmers, the provincial government decided to raise funds from the aspects of financial funds for supporting agriculture, funds for capital construction of water conservancy, special loans for the development of biological resources, funds for comprehensive agricultural development, special loans for the development of tropical areas of the province, special loans for foreign trade and export commodities, poverty alleviation funds and so on. Speed up the development of coffee industry. As a result, the comprehensive development of coffee industrialization in China has reached its peak as a historical milestone.

Established in 1999, Hump Coffee Manor Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specializing in the cultivation, processing, baking and sales of high-quality alpine organic coffee in Yunnan Province. The coffee plantation invested 19.7 million yuan by Baoshan Camel Coffee Manor Co., Ltd. is located in Nujiang Grand Canyon and Gaoligong Mountain in Baoshan, Yunnan Province. 266.67 hectares of pure "Arabica" alpine coffee varieties are planted in the coffee garden, with an average elevation of 1300 meters above sea level.

In 2007, Hongtian Group successfully introduced Yunnan Industrial Investment Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yunnan Industrial Investment holding Group, and the two sides jointly established Dehong Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd., as a platform for both sides to develop coffee industry. It was registered and established in Dehong Prefecture Administration for Industry and Commerce in December 2007, with a registered capital of 150 million yuan. The company has more than 700 employees, including more than 400 coffee technicians. By 2008, the company has developed a total of 6666.67 hectares of coffee, including 4200 hectares of its own base, driving farmers to develop 2466.67 hectares and nearly 30, 000 households. The company has built a new production line of 3000 tons of instant coffee powder, which has been fully put into production in September 2008.

The tropical crop development plan formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture has listed Yunnan as a priority for the development of coffee.

In the region, the Yunnan provincial government has repeatedly put forward opinions and measures to speed up the development of the coffee industry. Through years of efforts, the coffee industry in Yunnan has developed rapidly, and the scale of the industry is constantly expanding. It has become a characteristic industry with unique advantages, and it is a new industry for farmers living in tropical mountain areas to shake off poverty and become rich. With the concern and support of party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels, the coffee industry in Yunnan has developed rapidly and healthily, and achieved remarkable results.

In 2007, the coffee planting area of the province reached 20400 hectares and was put into production of 19000 hectares.

The annual output of coffee beans is 29000 tons, with an average yield of more than 1500 kg / ha, ranking the advanced level in the world. At present, the planting area and output of coffee in Yunnan account for more than 97% of the country's total coffee area and total output. Compared with 1990, the province's planting area has increased by 5 times, and the output has increased by 27 times.

From the Association of leading Enterprises of Agricultural industrialization and Agricultural products processing of Yunnan Province in 2009

The information release on August 3rd said: our province has a unique natural environment suitable for the growth of small-grain coffee, excellent quality, and has been rated as a first-class product by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and has a good international market at home and abroad. Foreign and domestic famous coffee enterprises are optimistic about Yunnan small seed coffee, which provides a good opportunity to speed up the development of Yunnan small seed coffee industry. In 2008, the planting area of all kinds of coffee in the province reached 21333.33 hectares, with an annual output of 30, 000 tons, ranking first in the country in planting area and output, with an output value of 600 million yuan, which has become a new bright spot for farmers in hot areas to increase their income. Advantageous regional layout: focus on the 16 counties and cities most suitable for small-grain coffee cultivation, such as Ninger, Simao, Lancang, Luxi, Jinggu, Mojiang and other basins of the Lancang River, Honghe River and Nujiang River, while laying out corresponding rough processing plants to set up a coffee finishing center in Kunming.

Development goal and main direction: in 2012, the planting area of coffee has increased to 22666.67 hectares, the annual output of dried beans has reached 36000 tons, and 10 leading enterprises have been cultivated, of which 2 have been developed into leading enterprises with an output value of 200 million yuan, and the output value of the coffee industry has reached 1.5 billion yuan. Mainly to consolidate the existing coffee planting area, focusing on supporting leading coffee processing enterprises, mainly facing Europe and neighboring countries, striving to create well-known brands and finishing brands of Yunnan coffee beans, to improve the popularity of Yunnan small-grain coffee and the country's share in the international market.

In 2020, the planting area of coffee will be stabilized at 26666.67 hectares, with an annual output of 45000 tons, and the two leading enterprises will be developed into leading enterprises with an output value of 500 million yuan, and the output value of the coffee industry will reach more than 2.5 billion yuan.

Thus it can be seen that the coffee industry in Yunnan Province not only accounts for more than 95% of the country's coffee planting area and output, but also ranks first in the country in terms of coffee export volume and foreign exchange volume, and the scale of instant coffee production. On March 5, 2007, "Coffee planting Technology in Yunnan" was broadcast on the seventh agricultural program "Science and Technology Park" on China Central Television (CCTV). This is another program to promote Yunnan coffee after the last issue of "Caiyun South Coffee" was broadcast on CCTV 7.

During this period, the coffee planting industry in Hainan Island has declined year by year due to many reasons, which can be said to have plummeted. By the end of 2008, there were only nearly 333.33 hectares on the island, and the main planting area was still in Fushan Town, Chengmai County. However, the popular tourism industry on Hainan Island has greatly promoted the tourism purchase property in Hainan. Dozens of enterprises in the industrial and commercial circles in Hainan, such as Pinxiangyuan, Yiran, Nanguo, Chunguang, Xiangsheng, and so on, are determined to develop a series of coffee products, and strongly expand Hainan and even the national market. Hainan Xinglong Coffee, Fushan Coffee, Instant Coffee, Coconut Milk Coffee and Coffee extract swept the national market. Hainan Island has shifted from a single development of coffee planting industry to focusing on the deep processing of coffee and the development of three-in-one coffee market, and has become a main force that can not be ignored in domestic coffee marketing.

5. Agricultural research institutes promote Chinese coffee

At this point, the author's mood is agitated and dignified. Today, when Chinese coffee, especially Yunnan small-grain coffee, has developed to large-scale industrialization through the persistent cultivation of several generations of Chinese mainland and after several ups and downs, it is not easy to be rated as a first-class product by the International Coffee Organization (ICO). The author believes that the rapid rise of Yunnan small-grain coffee in Chinese mainland is inseparable from the outstanding efforts of researchers in China's agricultural research institutes. There is no doubt that technology has boosted the development of coffee in China.

In the early 1980s, there were many diseases and insect pests in Yunnan coffee planting area, among which rust, longicorn beetles and root pink scale were the most harmful, which greatly restricted the development of Yunnan small-grain coffee. In fact, Yunnan small-grain coffee is a variety of coffee cultivated in Yunnan plateau under the specific geographical and climatic environment, which is a mixture of two classic high-quality coffee varieties Typica and Bourbon in Arabica. In 1991, a series of Catimor varieties were introduced from Kenya. Because of their similar morphology and habits, the two varieties were cultivated in Yunnan. All belong to the variety of Arabian species (also known as small seed species).

From 1967 to 1968, Yunnan Dehong Institute of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (Dehong Institute) introduced rust resistant small seed coffee S288 from India for trial planting, and twice introduced 37 rust resistant coffee varieties S795 and S288 from Dehong Prefecture Agricultural Science Institute, which were preserved in the orchard. The new round of development of coffee equipped with anti-rust coffee varieties is the top priority. Scientific and technological workers place hopes on S288 coffee. Through 18 years of preservation and experimental observation, it has been proved that this variety is an ideal rust-resistant variety.

In October 1985, the test station of Dehong Sub-Bureau was presided over by the Science Office of Dehong Agricultural Reclamation Sub-Bureau. Experts from the Land Reclamation Design Institute, Banna Sub-Bureau, Dehong Prefecture Science and Technology Commission and other units were invited to the meeting to check and identify the scientific research results of the introduction and trial of rust-resistant coffee S288. The experts at the meeting all thought that this variety was a rare rust-resistant variety, and highly appraised the preservation of this variety during the difficult period of the Cultural Revolution. It has unanimously passed the acceptance appraisal of scientific research achievements. It is suggested that it should be vigorously promoted in hot and humid areas, and begin to be popularized and applied in the state and provinces. The seeds were introduced to South China, Xishuangbanna, Simao, Lincang, Honghe, Wenshan and other places for cultivation. The popularized planting area has reached 21333.33 hectares. "introduction, trial and Popularization of antirust Coffee S288" won the second prize for scientific and technological progress in Dehong Prefecture in 1985. However, because this variety is a rust-resistant variety of coffee selected in India in the 1930s, in addition to rust resistance, the yield and other agronomic characters have lagged behind and can not meet the needs of production.

Yu Hao, a former senior agronomist of Dehong Prefecture Agricultural Science Institute in Yunnan Province, was transferred from the Plant Protection Institute of South China Tropical crop Research Institute in the 1950s to carry out coffee rust research. He is an expert in coffee rust research in China. After he was transferred back to his original unit in 1985, he went to Dehong, Yunnan Province to conduct a coffee survey again in 1986. Jiang Ping of Lujiang Farm in Baoshan accompanied him to the unit to hold an academic report on coffee. Yu Hao expounded that the size of coffee fruit is a characteristic of coffee plant physiology on the issue of coffee high yield. Jiang Ping discussed how to control the occurrence of coffee in terms of horticultural measures. Technician Duan Baoting accompanied two experts to inspect the coffee garden in Lujiangba. After Yu Hao was transferred back to work at the South China Tropical crop Research Institute, he still studied coffee rust.

Yu Hao worked in Dehong for many years and understood that Dehong had good conditions for growing coffee, but the problem of rust restricted the development of coffee. According to the results of his research on coffee rust in Dehong, the higher the yield, the more serious the coffee rust, and no matter how much Bordeaux solution is sprayed. So after he returned to Hainan, with the help of the favorable conditions of the Tropical crop Research Institute and domestic and foreign scientific research institutions, he got in touch with the Portuguese Coffee Rust Research Center (hereinafter referred to as CIFC). In 1988, he obtained a series of rust-resistant coffee varieties such as Katim CIFC7960 (F6), CIFC7961 (F6), CIFC7962 (F6) and CIFC7963 (F6) from Dr. Carlos, director of CIFC, and sent CIFC7963 (F6) coffee with good comprehensive characters to our institute and Jiang Ping of Lujiang Farm in Baoshan. In May 1988, the 21 grams (102 seeds) sent by the institute were sown and raised seedlings in the same year, and 50 seedlings were obtained. In June 1989, they were planted on the roadside flat ground of the experimental team, with a planting distance of 1.5 × 2 meters. Thirty-nine plants were preserved in 1992, and the rust resistance and adaptability were observed. The first generation seeds were introduced to Ruili Farm in hot and humid areas, Zhaofang Farm Experimental Station, Zhaofang Farm fourth Farm, Xiang Gongtang Township in Luxi City and Longjiang River Valley in Longchuan County. Field rust inoculation experiments have been done many times, and rust spores have been artificially inoculated. However, most of the inoculation sites only produce macula, but do not produce rust spores and do not spread, with an incidence of 9.5%. The control (Bobang or Tibika) was 49%, showing a subimmune disease-resistant variety. The variety showed strong tree shape, short and compact growth, high rust resistance and high quality. The average yield of dried beans per plant was 0.78 kg, with a maximum of 1.4 kg. In 1993, 0.67 hectares were planted under the rubber forest in the orchard, 1 hectare was planted in the original 1966 Bibi area, 0.33 hectares were planted in Niu Riba and fertilizer experimental areas, and expanded for different site environments. In 1994, it was arranged to plant in Zhaofang and Lujiang New Town Farm. With the efforts of Jiang Ping of Lujiang Farm, 11 seedlings of CIFC7963 (F6) coffee were obtained by sowing and raising seedlings in the same year, and 11 seedlings were planted in Jiangping private land in the same year. In 1991, the Lujiang Farm Experimental Station established 0.17 hectares of experimental plots. By 1993, it had grown to 33.33 hectares for trial planting, and by 1995 it had been popularized and planted 66.67 hectares.

The introduction and trial planting of this variety was summarized and accepted in 1996, and it was popularized and used in production. During the Ninth five-year Plan period, seed 13059.3kg was popularized in Dehong, Baoshan, Wenshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Yuxi, Nujiang and Myanmar, with 200000 seeds and seedlings covering an area of 6 984hm2. After continuous breeding and promotion, the planting area of Katimo CIFC7963 F6 in the province has reached 10 000hm2. It has become the main variety in coffee production. The production of "7" high product line Katimo CIFC7963 F6 coffee has been included in the biological resources innovation project of Yunnan Province. At present, this variety accounts for 80% of the small grain coffee varieties grown in Yunnan.

In 1980, four departments and one agency of the CPC Central Committee held a national coffee work meeting in Baoshan, and coffee production was further developed. The Yunnan Provincial Hot area Development leading Group was established in 1986, headed by Vice Governor Jin Renqing, and carried out a "training course on tropical crop cultivation techniques" at the Tropical and Subtropical Economic crops Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Institute of Thermal Economics). About 40 people from all over the province participated in the training for half a year, mainly coffee.

From 1985 to 1988, Secretary of the Provincial CPC Committee Pu Chaozhu, Governor he Zhiqiang, Vice Governor Jin Renqing, Vice Governor Zhao Tingguang, Vice Chairman of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress Qian Weichang, and responsible persons of the South Asia Office of the State paid great attention to the development of hot areas and coffee production. At this time, the coffee science and technology promotion work of the Institute was mainly in Baoshan, Dehong and Nujiang prefectures. By 1988, the coffee promotion area of the province was 831.7 hectares, with a total harvest area of 224.9 tons.

In 1989, the Swiss Nestle Coffee Company signed a 6666.66 hectare coffee production contract with Simao. Since then, McCoffee in the United States has also entered the Yunnan coffee market, which has greatly promoted the development of Yunnan coffee industry.

From 1992 to 1993, the Institute of Rejing sent seven scientific and technological personnel, including Zhang Xingcan and Huang Jiaxiong, to Gengma County, Lincang Prefecture, to assist McCoffee Coffee Company in the United States in coffee technical training and guiding production, with more than 40 trainers; and with Chinese-American Li Hualin, Brazilian expert Eduardo carried out academic exchanges and guided seedling cultivation and other work.

The initial processing of coffee is divided into dry processing, wet processing and semi-wet processing (mechanized peeling and degumming processing). Before 1980, Yunnan coffee processing mostly used dry processing, that is, fresh fruit was dried directly, and then shelled with a rice grinder for coffee rice. or artificial peeling, fermentation, drying and shelling for coffee rice. This method is difficult to dry, poor quality and low work efficiency. In 1979, Yang Zhihua and Li Chao of Rejing Institute invented coffee fresh fruit peeling machine and shelling machine on the basis of rice milling machine, with processing capacity of 250kg / h for fresh fruit and 120kg / h for coffee beans. This technology has been popularized and applied in the province.

With the production of Simao coffee in 1995, due to the limited mechanical processing capacity in China, 255CM vertical peeling machine was introduced from Colombia, which greatly improved the working efficiency, but this technology requires fermentation and consumes a lot of water. For this reason, on the basis of the investigation of Brazil in 1999, Wu Yongkang of the Institute of Heat and Economics introduced a combined machine for coffee peeling and degumming, which does not need fermentation to dry directly. After the introduction of this technology, through cooperation with Kunming Libang Machinery Co., Ltd., we have successfully held two mechanical training courses to train more than 100 talents for the whole province. Wen Zhihua of the Institute of Rejing has played an important role in this technology, taking part in lectures many times and going to the base to guide production. Ecological peeling and degumming machine has the advantages of water saving, stable quality and artificial control, so it has been used in most large coffee gardens.

Fragrance and Beverage Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter referred to as fragrant drink Institute) Xinglong Xiang Beverage Institute. Since the 1960s, Xiangyin Institute has introduced and collected high-yield and disease-resistant varieties of domestic coffee from abroad for adaptive planting and disease resistance identification. Mondonovo was introduced from Mexico in 1974 and Cameroon from Cameroon. In 1978, 23 varieties (small seed species) were introduced from Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Mexico and Malaysia respectively. Among them, 4 varieties from Mexico, 1 from Malaysia and 1 from Brazil have good growth, reasonable tree type, strong resistance and high yield, so they are suitable to be popularized in the low altitude areas of Hainan. From 1960 to 1988, eight medium-grain coffee clones were selected by Xiangyin Institute after years of screening and line comparison test, and the cuttings propagation experiment was carried out. After regional planting in Xinglong and Chengmai of Hainan, the high and stable yield of 4 lines with good characters were analyzed by variance analysis. From the primary lineage ratio of 18 clones, 7 clones were selected for intermediate lineage ratio, and 5 varieties were selected to establish a comprehensive high yield test and demonstration base. When it is used to replace the low-yield coffee garden, the yield of dried beans is 2030~3550kg/h tons, and the yield is increased by 4 to 5 times, reaching the world's advanced level of "8".

6. Opening to the outside world and foreign enterprises to enter China's coffee market

Nestle Group, headquartered in Switzerland, is the largest food company in the world. In the early 1980s, Nestl é began talks with the Chinese government to invest in a factory in China and transfer its world-class know-how and rich expertise in nutrition and food processing to China. In 1990, Nestl é opened its first joint venture factory in Chinese mainland, and has since built a number of factories. Nestl é has helped China save a lot of foreign exchange by using local raw materials to produce equally high-quality food locally instead of imported products. Ninety-nine per cent of the products Nestl é sells on Chinese mainland are now made locally.

In the past 20 years, Nestl é's direct investment in Greater China from Switzerland has totaled 7 billion yuan. Nestl é Greater China is headquartered in Beijing and operates 21 factories. among them, 4 are in Shanghai, 3 in Guangdong Province, 4 in Tianjin, 3 in Sichuan Province, 2 in Shandong Province, 1 in Heilongjiang Province, 1 in Jiangsu Province, 1 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and 1 in Beijing area. and one in the Hong Kong Special Administrative region. In 2001, Nestl é established the Shanghai Nestl é R & D Center in Shanghai. In 2006, Nestl é's annual sales in Greater China reached 11.9 billion yuan and paid various taxes of about 1.1 billion yuan.

In 1997, Maxwell changed its name to Maxwell. Maxwell Coffee is the most popular coffee in the United States, and it is also a world-famous delicious coffee. Theodore Roosevelt, then president of the United States, praised "Good to the last drop" after drinking the coffee, which is now a registered trademark of Maxwell products. Maxwell Coffee first entered China in 1985.

The main businesses of Taiwan coffee chain in Chinese mainland are: Starbucks, Real Pot, Shangdao.

Starbucks adopts a regional authorization approach to divide the country into North China, Central China and South China, and form alliances and cooperate with different companies. Starbucks is generally rooted on the ground floor of some bustling commercial buildings or office buildings. After selecting the location of every store in the world, Starbucks asked the franchisee to send the floor plan and surrounding environment of the store to its headquarters in the United States to plan the decoration design, and then send the design drawings back to various places. Starbucks was introduced to the mainland in 1999 by Sun Dawei, who once operated McDonald's and Hardstone in Taiwan.

The reason why the real pot adopts the direct operation + franchise mixed chain mode is that it is "easy to train and provide model stores to franchisees". The real pot describes the ideal franchisee as follows: good moral character and credit, high enthusiasm and dedication to the coffee business. The franchisee needs to provide a shop of 150,200 square meters, and after paying a full fee of 1.2 million yuan, he will become the shopkeeper. Real pot's "hometown" is in Tokyo, Japan, and entered Taiwan in 1992. In Chinese mainland, there are 30 coffee chains, six of which are directly operated.

Shangdao adopts low-cost contract chain. The joining fee of Shangdao Coffee is only 60,000 yuan every four years. Go to the island to help franchisees choose the address of the store, and at the same time provide food and beverage materials, utensils, articles and supporting facilities with the characteristics of the island. Shangdao Coffee was founded by Taiwanese Chen Wenmin. In May 1997, Shangdao Coffee entered the mainland from Taiwan in cooperation with Tangcheng Group.