Coffee review

Starbucks Coffee with Green Tea Matcha Frappuccino

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Matcha Frappuccino Green Tea Fresh green tea flavours blended with the smoothness of whipped cream. Taishu Matcha Green Tea has a hint of tropical fruit flavor. While matcha has always been central to traditional quiet rituals such as Japanese tea parties, tea drinkers around the world are just beginning to appreciate this light, refreshing, finely ground green tea. And we especially like how it's related


Matcha Star Frappuccino Green Tea

The fresh flavor of green tea combines the smoothness of whipped cream.

Taishu ®matcha green tea has a hint of tropical fruit flavor.

Although matcha has always been at the center of traditional quiet ceremonies such as Japanese tea parties, tea drinkers around the world are just beginning to like this light, refreshing and carefully ground green tea. We especially like the star cappuccino mixed with milk ice cubes, and I believe customers will like it as well.