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How to make milk foam-- making manual labor milk foam with milk bubble pot

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pour the milk into the milk bubble pot, do not exceed the milk bubble pot 1 beat 2, otherwise the milk will overflow due to expansion when making milk foam.

(1) pour the milk into the milk bubble pot, and the quantity should not exceed 1 / 2 of the milk bubble pot, otherwise the milk will overflow due to expansion when making the milk bubble.

(2) heat the milk to about 60 degrees Celsius, but not more than 70 degrees Celsius, otherwise the protein structure in the milk will be destroyed. Be careful! The lid and strainer should not be heated directly (for example, when making ice foam, cool the milk to less than 5 degrees Celsius, of course, do not overfreeze the milk and let the milk freeze).

(3) cover the lid and the filter, and quickly twitch the filter to press the air into the milk. when you twitch, you don't need to press to the end, because you want to pump the air into the milk, so you can twitch on the surface of the milk; you don't need too many times. gently twitch about 30 times.

(4) remove the lid and strainer and scrape off the thick foam with a spoon, leaving dense hot (ice) foam.