Coffee review

Three methods of making Coffee blossoms

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pouring directly into the molding method is the most difficult and technical way in the coffee flower drawing technique.

1. Direct injection molding method

Pouring directly into the molding method is the most difficult and technical way in the coffee flower drawing technique. It uses the shaking technique of the hand to make the milk foam float on the surface of espresso using the principle of water grain fluctuation, and uses different shaking control techniques to form a variety of graphics, which are divided into two categories: the combination of ① heart shape and leaf shape, and the line graphics of ② animals and plants. In this way, we must pay attention to all kinds of details, from the state of espresso to the organization and meticulous degree of milk foam and the skill of fusion; in addition, the forming time of the pattern is very short. Therefore, it also requires very smooth and rhythmic movements and very accurate hand shaking control techniques, so it can be seen that the necessary long-term practice is particularly important. If you want to become a real master of flower pulling, you have to practice carefully constantly.

two。 Screen forming method

The screen shaping method is the simplest way in the coffee flower drawing technique, and you can also create a unique pattern by making a screen graphic screen plate and changing it with a simple hand drawing method. The principle of operation is simple and can be divided into the following two types. (1) leave the beaten milk foam for about 30 seconds to separate the milk from the milk foam to a certain extent, and then use a spoon to block part of the milk foam so that the milk and Italian coffee are mixed first. then use the milk foam to cover the surface of the coffee to form a snow-white surface, using a screen and screen with various shapes or words to place 1 cm from the surface of the coffee. Sprinkle with cocoa powder or cinnamon powder (scientific name cinnamon powder) to make the surface of coffee appear in various shapes or words. (2) similar to the above practice, but the difference is that after the milk foam is made, it is directly fused with Italian coffee, so that it does not produce white milk foam on the surface of the coffee when it is poured in. Then place the net board with graphics or text 1 cm away from the surface of the coffee, sprinkle white sugar powder across the screen board, so that the coffee surface presents a variety of graphics or text.

3. Hand drawing method

The hand drawing method is to use the white dots and irregular patterns produced after the fusion of espresso and milk foam, using toothpicks and sticking materials such as cocoa powder or chocolate cream and fruit juices to draw patterns on the surface of the coffee. Its graphic structure is divided into the following two types. (1) regular geometry: use a variety of color fruit juices, chocolate paste, etc., first complete the basic lines on the coffee surface, and then use toothpicks to draw a variety of regular geometry. (2) figurative patterns: animal figures such as cats, dogs, pandas and snakes are mostly sprinkled with cocoa powder on the surface of Italian coffee, and then poured into milk foam to fuse, slightly shake the wrist during fusion, so that the coffee surface forms a circular ripple pattern, and then take the circular ripple pattern as the bottom, using toothpicks or needles to glue cocoa powder or chocolate paste on its surface to outline various patterns. Hand-drawn graphics is easier than the direct pouring method, as long as you master the details and focus, you can make beautiful hand-drawn graphics very handy.