Coffee review

Coffee skills siphon pot coffee advanced operation stirring chapter

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After skillfully mastering the basic operation method of siphon pot, in order to further improve the level of siphon use, it is undoubtedly a vital topic to study how to stir. Different stirring will lead to subtle changes in the flavor of coffee. We can try how different stirring will change the coffee from the two aspects of stirring technique and timing. Although there are some methods of stirring

After skillfully mastering the basic operation method of siphon pot, in order to further improve the level of siphon use, it is undoubtedly a vital topic to study how to stir. Different stirring will lead to subtle changes in the flavor of coffee. We can try how different stirring will change the coffee from the two aspects of stirring technique and timing. Phellodendron mandshurica (Thunb.)

The method of stirring

Although there is a non-mainstream strong mixing method, but the vast majority of stirring have reached a consensus, that is, stirring should be gentle, no matter what means, do not use too much force. But remember that gentle does not mean slow, not like slow motion even if gentle, gentle should be a kind of feeling, is the grasp of strength. Here are some common techniques.

1. Down pressing method

In fact, the pressing method is not stirring, but pressing down the coffee powder originally floating on the water, so that the powder can be in close contact with the water. When pressing down, let one end of the stirring stick slide along the wall of the upper pot, and slowly press the powder into the surface of the water, not to the end, just shallow. The core of the pressing method is quietness, and there must be a state of mind that does not disturb coffee extraction in order to give full play to this technique. This technique is generally used when the water is stirred for the first time as soon as the water rises to the top of the pot.

two。 Circle method

The circle method is the easiest to master and is usually more like stirring. When stirring, you should also stir gently, insert the mixing piece into the liquid surface at 1/3 of the depth of the kettle, and then stir it in circles along the kettle wall. This technique is the easiest way to make what the Taiwanese call a small hill-shaped powder. Of course, I personally think that the hill is meaningless.

3. Cross method

The cross method should still be gentle, and the handle will be more demanding, and the stirring trajectory is shown in the picture. Stir the pieces gently back and forth on the water. This technique can be used alone or in conjunction with the circle method.

The timing of stirring

The discussion on the timing of stirring is relatively simple. At present, the mainstream is two and three times, two times stirring when the water rises to the upper pot and flameout, and three times adding one stirring in the middle on the basis of two times.

I personally understand that the core question of two and three times is aimed at whether steaming needs to be carried out throughout. If the coffee powder is fresh enough, the firepower is well controlled, and the coffee powder is stirred in place for the first time, the coffee powder will form a lid. This is called steaming. The formation of steaming is very important, and it is also of great help to the extraction of coffee flavor, so those who advocate that coffee should be naturally steamed out of its flavor will choose to stir twice, while those who need to let coffee powder come into closer contact with water after steaming, just stir three times, which is a matter of opinion. After all, there is no right or wrong coffee, only suitable and not suitable.

The above is a brief introduction to mixing, which is more suitable for your habit? Then only through the experiment-tasting this process can we know the answer, do not care about the opinions of those masters, after all, coffee is only a drink, you feel good that is the king.