Coffee review

Steps to make coffee in a "siphon" coffee pot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, a. Pour in the minced coffee. b. Heat the lower container and the air pressure causes the water to run down the chain to the upper container and mix with the coffee powder. c. Then cool the lower part, and the air pressure presses the liquid that has dissolved the coffee powder back to the lower container. d. The coffee is ready. The whole process only takes a minute and a half. ● chooses beans. Good quality coffee beans (called Shangdou) are full and uniform, and there is no mildew, moth, and so on. Note

编 号: 1647227    
            高 X 宽:350 X 232  

a. Pour in the minced coffee.

编 号: 1647257    
            高 X 宽:350 X 232  

b. Heat the lower container and the air pressure causes the water to run down the chain to the upper container and mix with the coffee powder.

编 号: 1647252    
            高 X 宽:350 X 232  

c. Then cool the lower part, and the air pressure presses the liquid that has dissolved the coffee powder back to the lower container.

编 号: 1647257    
            高 X 宽:350 X 232  

d. The coffee is ready. The whole process only takes a minute and a half.

● chooses beans. Good quality coffee beans (called "Shangdou") are full and uniform, and there is no mildew, moth, and so on. Note that coffee beans should be roasted within two weeks after opening, otherwise they will go bad and affect the taste. The average coffee bean is between 30 and 60 yuan per pound (which can brew 20 to 25 cups of coffee). Of course, there are also very expensive ones. High-quality Elaraby beans grown in Kenya are called "one or two coffees and one or two gold".

● baking. There are many kinds of roasters, and most of the household electronic machines are about 3000 yuan. There are also a small number of fever players will be equipped with more than 30,000 yuan roaster, this kind of professional roaster does not use electricity, but uses a special single coffee oven to heat. There is no unified baking time and firepower standard for all kinds of coffee beans. Players need to observe the changes of coffee beans at any time in the roasting process and make timely adjustments. Among the common types of coffee, Brazilian beans are suitable for shallow roasting, Robusta varieties are suitable for medium roasting, and Italian varieties are suitable for deep roasting.

Player's secret: bake the beans twice. Take the beans out for the first time when the color turns "slightly" yellow, let them cool for 6 to 8 hours, and then bake twice. This will make the finished coffee bean surface very smooth and taste more uniform.

● aftertaste. Coffee beans are tasteless when they are freshly roasted and should be placed for 2 to 3 days to allow it to "taste". Some coffee shops hang out the gimmick of "baking and cooking now", which is a trick to deceive laymen.

● grinding. There are two kinds of household grinders: hand-operated and electric. The hand machine can only grind out the particles of uniform thickness, while the motor costs about 1200 yuan, which can be adjusted according to the cooking or brewing method.

● is brewed or cooked. To taste more full-bodied coffee, Han Wuding suggests boiling rather than brewing. The tool used is a "siphon" coffee maker (priced between 400 and 1000 yuan), which is said to extract the perfect part of the coffee.

编 号: 1647277    
高 X 宽:265 X 400  

In the ■ diagram, the colors from light to deep are light baked, medium baked and deep baked beans respectively.

Player demonstration:

A sip of ice water, a sip of coffee

Coffee tasting method:

Coffee on the table, the room full of fragrance, not in a hurry to drink, in the sun to observe the color. Good coffee should have a clear amber color, sharp edges and transparent middle; if the beans are not roasted well, expired or brewed with instant coffee, the cup will be cloudy.

Have a sip of coffee next? No! First take a sip of ice water and thoroughly clean your mouth. This ensures that we can feel the purest aroma of coffee.

Pick up the coffee cup, take a sip, and feel the flavor of the coffee before it is powdered. Think about it, every coffee bean takes five years to blossom and bear fruit, and then how many complicated processes it has gone through. Mr. Han believes that every drop of the original coffee is a salute to nature and man-made.

Add the sugar and take a sip. At this time, the mouth is filled with another kind of amorous feelings.

Now you can join the coffee companion. Mr. Han does not recommend adding milk because it will destroy the original taste of the coffee. Plant coffee companion powder is the best, will not taste, but also can increase the aroma and smoothness of the coffee. Usually four tablespoons are appropriate.

Drink another sip of ice water, ice water can make every taste bud fully ready to feel the taste of coffee, and the taste of coffee emerges brightly.

By the way, you can enjoy the above process slowly, and you don't have to worry about the coffee getting cold and sour. Because really good coffee, from hot to cold will maintain the same taste.


In the selection and purchase of coffee cups, you can choose according to the type of coffee, drinking method, drinking occasions and other conditions. Generally speaking, pottery cups are more suitable for deep-fried and full-bodied coffee, while porcelain cups are suitable for lighter coffee. In addition, small coffee cups below 100cc are generally used to drink Italian coffee.

Coffee taboo

① can't keep talking with a cup or running around with coffee.

② may not add sugar or cream to other people's coffee without asking for permission.

③ may not pour coffee for himself or for others without the consent of the host.

Instead of swinging the spoon after mixing the coffee with a spoon, ④ should pause the spoon in the inner wall of the cup before raising it (pictured on the right).

When adding milk to ⑤, do not pour directly into the cup, but use a spoon to stir out the vortex in the cup first, and then pour the milk down along the vortex.