Coffee review

What do you need to pay attention to in the daily operation of the coffee machine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When the coffee machine is in daily use, in order to ensure that the machine is well maintained and reduce some minor problems in making coffee, the author suggests that the majority of users should pay attention to the matters mentioned above when using the machine.

The use of the coffee machine is really a little confusing for people who have just come into contact with it. The author has a deep understanding of this, but for some experienced people, it is a bit pediatric, but sometimes they encounter some problems when they operate it. If you don't pay attention to it, you will burn yourself, or the taste of the coffee produced is abnormal, so you have to pay attention to some daily matters in operation. Today, the author is here to talk about the matters needing attention in the daily operation of the machine.

one。 First of all, it is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of power and water when using it. When there is no water in the water tank or when the water is off, please do not use the coffee machine.

two。 When the boiler is turned on for the first time, the normal operating temperature will not be reached until the boiler pressure pointer reaches the green area.

three。 Do not touch the outlet of the hand to avoid scalding, at this time the use of steam rod, hot water outlet nozzle temperature is very high.

four。 When cooking, pay attention to whether the water pressure on the pressure gauge is in the green area.

five。 In order to prevent the danger of overheating, please keep the power supply smooth and the steam pipe vent and outlet should not be blocked.

six。 When using the knob switch, you can turn it off tightly without exerting too much force.

seven。 When warming the cup, remember to dry the water droplets in the cup first, and then put it on the cup rack to warm the cup. At the same time, do not cover the towel or other similar things except the cup plate on the cup rack.

eight。 When not using the coffee machine for a long time, please turn off the power supply and completely release the pressure in the boiler of the machine.

nine。 Any accessories of coffee machine equipment should not be scrubbed with wire, steel brush, etc., and must be carefully scrubbed with a wet dishcloth.

ten。 When pressing coffee powder, be careful not to leave coffee grounds on the edge of the filter cup, so that there will not be air in the cooking process to reduce the pressure, but also shorten the life of the cooking head washer.

eleven。 Before making coffee, rinse the powder left on the pig's head with hot water and brush, and preheat the coffee cup before making coffee.

twelve。 When inserting the handle of the filter cup into the cooking head, please insert it horizontally, otherwise the handle will bounce open or tilt when making coffee, which will disperse the coffee powder, resulting in incomplete extraction.

When the coffee machine is in daily use, in order to ensure that the machine is well maintained and reduce some minor problems in making coffee, the author suggests that the majority of users should pay attention to the matters mentioned above when using the machine.