Coffee review

What's good with coffee? Fruit, chocolate and other collocation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, First, baked foods with pretzels: even in the United States, it is one of the most common food with coffee, and has a variety of flavors, including almonds, cherries, and chocolate. Cake: as one of the classic matches with coffee, different flavors of cakes are suitable for different flavors of coffee. For example, carrot cake goes well with Colombian coffee, while chocolate cake goes well.

I. collocation of baked foods

Pretzel: even in the United States, it is one of the most common food with coffee, and has a variety of flavors, including almonds, cherries, and chocolate.

Cake: as one of the classic matches with coffee, different flavors of cakes are suitable for different flavors of coffee. For example, carrot cake goes well with Colombian coffee, while chocolate cake goes well with medium to deep-roasted coffee, such as Manning.

Cream Caramel: the rich taste is more suitable for Indonesian coffee and Guatemalan coffee.

Cinnamon rolls: Colombian coffee and Guatemalan coffee and cinnamon rolls with caramel and chocolate are a perfect match.

Croissants: best served with French coffee with a coffee and milk ratio of 1:1.

What's good with coffee? Fruit, chocolate and other collocation

Doughnuts: doughnuts have a variety of flavors, but for diehard fans of coffee and doughnuts, the bitter and sweet combination is suitable for people and flavors of doughnuts and any coffee. Costa Rican coffee is specially recommended here.

Muffins: muffins are suitable for most coffee, but best with Costa Rican and Mexican coffee.

Oatmeal crackers: light to moderate roasted Nicaraguan and Hawaiian Kona coffee are best paired with lighter oatmeal biscuits.

Scones: yes, in addition to the perfect match with tea, scones can also be the best companion for coffee. Fruit-flavored scones are best suited for slightly alcoholic coffee from Yemen, Kenya and Haiti, while original scones can be paired with Costa Rican coffee.

Second, match with fruit

Today, with the emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, the pairing of fruit and coffee has become a new choice.

Acidic fruit: Kenyan and Costa Rican coffee go well with a variety of plum berries, but Yemeni and Jamaican coffee and blueberry combinations go a step further.

Sub-acid fruit: this kind of fruit is best paired with coffee such as Guatemala and Yega Chuefei.

Sweet fruit: fruit pie and medium to deep-roasted Brazilian and Costa Rican coffee are the perfect match

Third, go with chocolate

Chocolate goes well with a variety of drinks, and here are some of the best for coffee.

Brownies: full-bodied Indonesian and Guatemalan coffee goes best with dark chocolate brownies.

Fruit dipped in chocolate sauce: it's a good choice with most African coffee. Specifically, cherry tarts covered with chocolate sauce taste best with Sidamo.

Dark chocolate: it goes well with coffee from Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia and Guatemala.

Milk chocolate: suitable for all coffees, especially Colombian, Kenyan, Yemeni, and Hawaiian Kona.

White chocolate: it goes well with Colombian, Costa Rican and Yemeni coffee.

Match it with breakfast food

Coffee goes well with many breakfast foods, but there are some more detailed choices

Ham and eggs: this American breakfast is suitable for medium-roasted Costa Rican coffee.

Egg rolls with mushrooms, basil and goat cheese: suitable for Java, Sumatra and Indonesian coffee.

Oatmeal: Colombian or Brazilian coffee suitable for light roasting.

Pancakes with maple syrup: coffee that is also lightly or moderately roasted in Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, etc.