Coffee review

The 4-year-old boy drinks three cups of coffee a day and suffers from malnutrition and moderate anemia.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Last week, Wang Dong and his wife, who brought their son all the way from Guangzhou to Fuzhou first Hospital for a revisit, were relieved to see their son Xiaohui's red blood cell rise to a normal index. Xiaohui, a 4-year-old boy (a pseudonym), has been addicted to coffee since he was one and a half years old and drank three cups of coffee a day. This situation has been going on for more than two years, and Xiaohui not only looks yellow and skinny, but also suffers from hyperactivity.

Last week, Wang Dong and his wife, who brought their son all the way from Guangzhou to Fuzhou first Hospital for a revisit, were relieved to see their son Xiaohui's red blood cell rise to a normal index.

Xiaohui, a 4-year-old boy (a pseudonym), has been addicted to coffee since he was one and a half years old, drinking three cups of coffee a day. This situation lasted for more than 2 years, Xiaohui not only looked "yellow and thin", suffering from ADHD, but also was found to have moderate anemia. Six months ago, Xiaohui's parents first took him to Fuzhou first Hospital. The doctor diagnosed that Xiaohui was suffering from "iron deficiency anemia." the reason was that long-term drinking coffee hindered nutritional absorption. However, the doctor did not carry out any drug treatment, but told Xiaohui to stop drinking coffee.

The father likes to drink coffee to "tease" his son.

Moderate anemia caused by coffee addiction in a 4-year-old boy

Xiaohui's parents are from Guangzhou. Xiaohui's father, Wang Dong (a pseudonym), said that he likes to drink all kinds of coffee. When Xiaohui was one and a half years old, one day he had coffee with friends at home and inadvertently teased Xiaohui for a few sips. Who expected Xiaohui fell in love with him as soon as he drank it? after that, Xiaohui would ask him for coffee. Wang Dong said that because he is usually busy in business, he and his wife are seldom at home. Xiaohui gives it to the babysitter hired at home all day, and Xiaohui "secretly" asks the babysitter to make coffee for him at home.

Since then, Xiaohui has basically used coffee as a drink, drinking more than three cups a day, and if adults don't give it, they will cry loudly. Wang Dong and his family didn't care much about Xiaohui's "coffee addiction" because he was busy doing business to make money.

However, a year ago, Wang Dong and his family suddenly found that his son Xiaohui was very active, and his diet was not bad, but his face was very bad, and his physique was much thinner than children of the same age. In response, Wang Dongli Ma took Xiaohui to the hospital for examination, and the doctor diagnosed Xiaohui.

Suffering from "ADHD", "malnutrition", and through blood tests found to be suffering from "moderate anemia", but the doctor has not identified the cause of anemia. In the following six months, Wang Dong took Xiaohui to several hospitals in Guangzhou and used blood and iron therapy related to traditional Chinese and western medicine to improve his son's anemia symptoms, but the situation still did not improve.

Because of his acquaintance with Wang Tingting, a deputy director of traditional Chinese medicine in Fuzhou first Hospital, Wang Dong came to Fuzhou from Guangzhou half a year ago with Xiaohui. Ruled out the causes of the disease, and after some careful questioning, Wang Tingting learned that Xiaohui was almost addicted to coffee, and preliminarily judged that the cause of Xiaohui's anemia may be caused by "coffee addiction".

Wang Tingting did not give Xiaohui any medication, but told Wang Dong to let Xiaohui stop drinking coffee. Last week, Xiaohui went to a city hospital for re-examination, and his family was pleased to find that his anemia symptoms had significantly improved.

Children drinking coffee can cause "iron deficiency anemia"

Caffeine consumption is prohibited for children under 12 years of age

Wang Tingting said that anemia like Xiaohui is actually caused by "food poisoning", that is, the side effects of coffee on the body after drinking coffee. He has previously received two such child patients, but the symptoms are not so severe. Wang Tingting said that due to the incomplete development of children's liver and kidney and poor detoxification ability, the half-life of coffee metabolism in children is prolonged. For example, a cup of coffee can be digested in 2 hours for adults and 4 hours for children. The longer coffee remains in children, the greater the irritation and damage to the gastrointestinal tract; the caffeine in coffee also stimulates gastric acid secretion and accelerates the metabolism of nutrients, that is, things that originally take four hours to digest.

Digestion is finished in 2 hours, and at this time the absorption of the human body can only be quantitative, which will inevitably lead to a halving of the absorption of nutrients, and various nutrients, including iron, zinc and vitamins, will be lacking.

In this regard, Wang Tingting explained that after several years of accumulation, malnutrition is inevitable, and iron deficiency will directly reflect the symptoms of anemia, that is, "iron deficiency anemia." Wang Tingting said that in addition, caffeine has a strong excitatory effect on the central nervous system, and related studies have shown that ADHD in children is related to this, which can cause mental irritability, undiscipline and poor academic performance in children. So Wang Tingting warned that caffeine is prohibited for children under the age of 12.

It is good for adults to drink a moderate amount of coffee.

Don't drink more than 2 cups a day on an empty stomach.

Wang Tingting said that if coffee consumption is well controlled, it will actually have a lot of benefits for adults.

For example, caffeine in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system and muscles, refresh the spirit, enhance thinking ability and restore muscle fatigue; acting on the cardiovascular system, it can improve heart function, dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation; for the gastrointestinal system, it can help digestion and help the decomposition of fat Drinking black coffee can also lose weight, but you need to be active at the same time in order to really lose weight; coffee contains four times more antioxidants than tea and is more resistant to cardiovascular disease; and because coffee contains purines, it can stimulate glands to secrete fluid and has some protective effect on the eyes, so coffee drinkers are significantly less likely to suffer from xerophthalmia than those who do not drink coffee. The pain caused by some non-organic factors can be relieved with coffee, but it must be drunk in the morning or noon (prohibited from afternoon to night).

However, Wang Tingting suggests that coffee should not be drunk on an empty stomach, preferably after breakfast and lunch, because it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, break down high-calorie and high-fat foods eaten, and will not irritate the intestines and stomach like drinking coffee on an empty stomach. It's best not to drink coffee after dinner, for fear it will affect your sleep. However, although coffee is good, adults should not drink more than 2 cups a day (600ml). For people who are prone to tension and anxiety, drinking too much may be harmful.

The following types of people are not suitable for drinking coffee > >

Under the action of nicotine mutagenic substances, caffeine in smokers is easy to mutate some tissues of the body, and even lead to the production of cancer cells. In order to avoid the above harm, we should change the habit of drinking coffee while smoking.

Newlyweds drink caffeinated beverages, which will directly hurt sperm and affect fertility. Once the injured sperm binds to the egg, it may lead to fetal malformation or congenital deficiency.

Liver disease patients generally normal adult caffeine metabolism takes 2 hours, but in patients with liver disease or liver insufficiency, caffeine metabolism may take 4-5 hours, so as not to affect sleep due to long metabolic time.

Suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, renal failure and other diseases such as long-term or a large number of drinking coffee, can aggravate the disease.

Coffee in older women can reduce calcium and cause osteoporosis. After menopause, women need to add ten times the amount of calcium every day.

Vitamin B1 deficiency can maintain the balance and stability of the nervous system, and coffee has a destructive effect on it.

Excessive consumption of coffee in patients with stomach problems can cause stomach problems to worsen.

Pregnant women drink too much coffee, which can lead to fetal malformation or miscarriage.

Cancer patients who drink too much coffee are at risk of causing cancer to normal people.

Girls in the third year of senior high school drink five or six cups of coffee a day resulting in severe anemia.

A senior high school girl from a key middle school in Nanjing wants to go abroad for further study after graduation. she drinks five or six cups of coffee a day in order to refresh herself when preparing for the exam. But in the physical examination before going abroad, the girl was found to be severely anemic. Parents are anxious, hurriedly take the child to the hospital hematology department to see a doctor, the examination found that her hemoglobin is only 5 grams, and normal people's hemoglobin is 110 grams.

In this regard, the doctor explained that for women, drinking too much coffee may lead to iron deficiency anemia. This is because the polyphenols in coffee can form insoluble salts with iron and inhibit iron absorption. Because the body's essential iron, vitamins and other substances are usually taken in the daily diet, the food is still in the stomach after a full meal, drinking coffee will hinder the absorption of iron. For people who already have iron deficiency anemia, they should drink less strong tea and coffee. One or two cups a day is enough.

Yangzi Evening News

The woman was admitted to the hospital in a coma after staying up late drinking too much coffee.

A 27-year-old woman in northeast China was rushed to hospital after drinking too much coffee and was in a coma at home. It is reported that Ms. Lin works in a private company, and for a while she has been staying up late to work overtime. One night, Ms. Lin continued to work at home. in order to cheer up, she drank cup after cup of coffee, drinking a total of four cups of coffee in two hours. Soon, Ms. Lin felt her heart racing, dizzy, nauseous, flustered and out of breath. He fainted before his family took him to the hospital. Later, Ms. Lin was taken to the hospital where the doctor diagnosed coffee poisoning. After more than two hours of rescue, Ms. Lin woke up. Doctors warn that coffee can be refreshing, but excessive consumption can easily cause coffee poisoning and, in serious cases, life-threatening. (reporter Huang Shuping) New Evening News