Coffee review

Pregnant women "drinking" coffee may give birth to deformed children?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, It is reported that as many as 1.0012 billion cases of birth defects occur in China every year. Cleft lip and palate, neural tube defect, polydactyly, congenital heart disease and hydrocephalus are the five major birth defects that plague newborns in China. At the top of the list is neonatal neural tube defects. There are many factors affecting neonatal birth defects, such as heredity, environment, biology, drugs and so on.

It is reported that there are as many as 100-1.2 million cases of birth defects in China every year. Cleft lip and palate, neural tube defect, polydactyly, congenital heart disease and hydrocephalus are the five major birth defects that plague newborns in China. At the top of the list is neonatal neural tube defects. There are many factors affecting neonatal birth defects, such as heredity, environment, biology, drugs and other reasons may lead to abnormal morphological structure, functional metabolism and other aspects of the fetus in the mother, resulting in neonatal defects. The main preventive measures are pre-pregnancy screening, fertility guidance and prenatal diagnosis.

Affected by environmental pollution, eating habits, improper use of drugs, mental stress and elderly childbearing and other factors, the economic burden and psychological pressure caused by the birth of defective children can not be measured by money.

Newborn birth defects are mainly due to internal and external factors such as heredity and environment. After not compulsory premarital examination, the proportion of genetic diseases increases, and environmental problems also bring hidden dangers to the safety of newborns.

In recent years, environmental pollution, improper use of drugs, decoration pollution, mobile phone computer radiation and hair dye have also become the main causes of neonatal defects. Lack of nutrition during pregnancy may cause neural tube defects, viral infection in pregnant women will lead to birth defects, pregnant women with diabetes and other diseases will increase the incidence of fetal malformations. The use of certain drugs during pregnancy may also cause abnormalities, while taking drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking a lot of coffee can also increase the incidence of fetal malformations. Advanced pregnancy increases the risk of Down syndrome.

Usually, 6-8 weeks of pregnancy is an important stage of fetal differentiation, pregnant women should be careful to use drugs to minimize exposure to mobile phones, computers, hair dryers, microwave ovens and other radioactive items. It is also necessary to control emotions and avoid the impact of mental factors on the fetus. About 70% of fetal malformations can be detected by ultrasound at 16-24 weeks of pregnancy. In order to make timely remedies and treatment. B-ultrasound plays an auxiliary role in the early diagnosis of fetal Down syndrome, but the diagnosis depends on chromosome screening. Therefore, during the gradual formation of the fetus, prenatal examination should be carried out through B-ultrasound to avoid X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance and other examinations to ensure fetal safety.