Coffee review

Beware of urinary tract infection, it is healthier to drink less coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Editor's note: traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that the six viscera such as stomach, intestine and bladder are completely different from the five internal organs such as heart, liver and kidney. Keeping their function unobstructed is the best measure to strengthen the body and prevent disease. In the hot summer, due to sweating more and less urination and other reasons, bladder and other urinary tract health is under threat, especially the following five categories of people must prevent urinary tract infection. Urine

Editor's note: traditional Chinese medicine says that "fu organs are invigorated", emphasizing that the health preservation methods of "six fu organs" such as stomach, intestine and bladder are completely different from those of heart, liver, kidney and other "five internal organs". Keeping their functions unobstructed is the best measure to strengthen the body and prevent diseases. In the hot summer, due to sweating more and less urination and other reasons, bladder and other urinary tract health is under threat, especially the following five categories of people must prevent urinary tract infection.

Women are the most vulnerable to urinary tract infection.

The freshman girl Xiao Zhou is preparing for the final exam. Because the self-study class is far away from the dormitory, she takes a bottle of mineral water to self-study every morning. She seldom goes to the toilet for the whole day. At noon yesterday, Xiao Zhou found her urine a little bright red when she went to the toilet, which scared her to go to the hospital to see a doctor. After testing, the red blood cells in Xiaozhou's urine are as high as 25000 / microliter (the normal value should be less than 24 / microliter), and the white blood cells are also as high as 7000 / microliter (the normal value is less than 26 / microliter). The doctor diagnosed Xiaozhou as suffering from acute urinary tract infection.

According to Dr. Han Zhijian, Department of Urology, Jiangsu people's Hospital, summer is the season with high incidence of female urinary tract infections. Of the 130 daily outpatients in urology, 1 stroke 3 suffers from urinary tract infections, the vast majority of whom are women. The reason why urinary tract infection likes to find trouble with women in summer has something to do with the physiological structure of women. Because the female urethra is short, wide and straight, bacteria are easy to invade the urethra, coupled with the high temperature in summer, the human body sweats more, and bacteria multiply fast. if the body's resistance drops, bacteria will swoop in and cause urinary tract infection.

In addition, there are four groups of people with a high incidence of urinary tract infection. One is the patient with chronic disease. Systemic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease and chronic diarrhea decrease the body's resistance and increase the risk of urinary tract infection. For example, patients with diabetes have an increased risk of multiple infections due to endocrine disorders and decreased body resistance, including 16% of urinary tract infections. Second, people who use contraceptives. Some external contraceptive membranes, contraceptive ointments, contraceptive suppositories and condoms will be smeared with a layer of spermicide. Studies have found that some women have drug allergy to spermicide or an increase in vaginal secretions, which may increase the incidence of urinary tract infection in women. Third, urinary tract obstruction. Such as ureteral and renal calculi, urethral stricture, prostatic hypertrophy and so on can cause urine retention, so that bacteria are easy to reproduce and cause infection. Fourth, people who have recently done urethral intubation or instrument examination. Urinary catheterization, cystoscopy and urinary tract surgery can cause local mucosal injury and cause infection by bringing pathogenic bacteria of the anterior urethra into the bladder or upper urinary tract.

Frequent urination, urgent urination, unbearable pain

In fact, recall carefully, almost everyone has the experience of holding urine, occasionally holding urine, as long as the pressure of the bladder is not great, there is no serious impact. However, for reasons such as taxi drivers and white-collar women, it is easy to develop the habit of drinking less water and holding back urine because of busy work and poor sanitary conditions in the bathroom, thus increasing the risk of urinary tract infection.

So, under what circumstances should we guard against urinary tract infection? The American Women's Health Information Center summarizes the five most common manifestations, reminding you to see a doctor as soon as possible with the following symptoms: 1. Frequent urination, urgent urination, always want to go to the toilet, as soon as I feel very urgent, every time I go to urinate but very little; 2. Pain in urination, burning or tingling during urination; 3. There is a feeling of distension in the lower abdomen; 4. Urine smells bad, cloudy and / or red; 5. Fatigue, fever, chills.

If you want to prevent urinary tract infection, the first thing to do is to avoid bad habits. In response, the Mayo Clinic, a famous medical center in the United States, has given two suggestions:

One is to drink plenty of water without holding back urine. Sweating more in summer, urine volume will be significantly reduced, in order to maintain urine volume, we must drink more water appropriately. Drinking plenty of water can dilute the urine and wash the urethra, but it is best to avoid coffee, alcoholic drinks and soft drinks containing caffeine or fruit juices, as these drinks can irritate the bladder and make the patient urinate frequently during urinary tract infection.

The second is to maintain good hygiene habits. About 80% of the pathogens of urinary tract infection belong to Escherichia coli. If you wipe your hands incorrectly, it will greatly increase the risk of urethral contamination. Women should wipe with clean toilet paper after defecation, in order to avoid contaminating the vaginal orifice. If the toilet has flushing equipment, it is best to wash the anus carefully; unclean sexual intercourse should also be put an end to and urinate immediately after sexual life. in this way, even if the bacteria have entered the urethra and bladder, it can also be excreted out of the body through urination.

In addition, the choice of underwear is also very important. Sweating a lot in summer, if it cannot be volatilized in time, it will not only make the skin sticky and greasy, but also cause a humid and muggy "microclimate" in the local area, which is also a big threat to urinary health. For the texture of underwear, pure cotton is the best choice. Light and breathable combed cotton underwear has little friction on the skin and has good water absorption. At the same time, be careful that the underwear is not too small or too tight, especially the underwear is not too tight. In addition, women should avoid using things that irritate the urethra. People with urinary tract infections can also apply hot water bags to the lower abdomen, which helps relieve bladder pressure and discomfort.

Treatment should be timely, adequate and adequate course of treatment.

If you inadvertently get urinary tract infection, do not worry too much, as long as you get timely and standardized treatment, most of them can be cured. However, it should be noted that people who have had urinary tract infections have a significantly higher risk of reinfection than those who have not, so it is necessary to prevent recurrence.

When urinary tract infection just occurs, many people's symptoms are not obvious, and some even have no symptoms, so they are easy to be ignored. Many women are found because of the spread of pathogenic bacteria, the emergence of vaginitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammation and so on.

Therefore, once found frequent urination, urgent urination, pain, chills, fever, low back pain and other symptoms, to be particularly vigilant. If female leucorrhea increases, urethral orifice is red and swollen, there are purulent secretions, vaginal and vulvar itching, etc., but also carelessness, which often indicates that ascending infection has occurred. Once it becomes chronic urethritis, there may be many complications, such as orchitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymal nodules, decreased sperm quantity and quality in men; women may be complicated with vaginitis, cervicitis, adnexitis, endometritis, pelvic inflammation and so on.

If you have the above symptoms, you must go to the regular hospital for treatment in time. It is worth reminding that in the course of treatment, some patients feel that their symptoms "disappear", so they no longer take medicine, resulting in repeated illness. Experts stressed that the treatment of urinary tract infection must follow the doctor's advice, adhere to the principle of timely, adequate, adequate course of treatment, must not stop medication at will. Otherwise, there are likely to be recurrent urinary tract infections.

The so-called timely, is the discovery of disease as early as possible medication. After the diagnosis of urinary tract infection, most of them will be treated with sensitive antibiotics according to the common pathogenic bacteria. Quinolone, penicillin, aminoglycoside antibiotics and cephalosporins can be given before the type of pathogenic bacteria is identified, and then the drug use can be adjusted in time according to the results of drug sensitivity of urine culture. The so-called sufficient amount refers to the sufficient use of antibiotics to make the blood concentration reach a level sufficient to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in a short time. A full course of treatment means that the course of treatment should be adequate. The use of antibiotics should continue until two weeks after the symptoms disappear and the urine culture turns negative.

Traditional Chinese medicine can give consideration to both nourishment and treatment.

As the pathogenic factors are difficult to remove completely, it is very important to prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infection. For chronic diseases, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "three-point treatment and seven-point treatment", and emphasizes both symptoms and root causes in "nourishment" and "treatment", thus accumulating rich experience in treatment. Urinary tract infection belongs to the category of "gonorrhea syndrome" in traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly caused by lower jiao dampness-heat and heat-forming bladder. The treatment methods can be roughly divided into three types: removing dampness and removing heat, purging gonorrhea and diuresis, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, as well as tonifying kidney and tonifying qi.

On medication, no matter it is acute or non-acute stage, on the basis of syndrome differentiation, we can choose some heat-clearing and detoxifying traditional Chinese medicine, which is good for symptom relief and disease recovery. Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of urinary tract infection has the advantages of rapid control of symptoms, definite curative effect, little side effect and no drug resistance, so it has been paid more and more attention by the medical profession.

There are many kinds of drugs for the treatment of urinary tract infection, among which Sanjin tablet is a commonly used proprietary Chinese medicine. Sanjin tablet is made of high-quality authentic medicinal materials such as golden cherry root, diamond thorn, golden rattan and so on, so it is called "Sanjin". Compared with antibiotics, Sanjin tablets have a high degree of kidney safety, and long-term use will not produce drug resistance. The drug is mainly aimed at urinary tract infection, can quickly relieve symptoms, but also has a unique kidney-tonifying effect.

Sanjin tablet has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, promoting dampness and tonifying the kidney, in addition to relieving symptoms, it can also regulate the whole body function, improve the immunity of the body, cure both the symptoms and the root causes, and achieve "positive qi stored in the body, evil can not be dry", not only speed up recovery, but also further prevent the recurrence of the disease.

(this edition of the article was written by our special correspondent Zhizhong and Wu Nina)