Coffee review

Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol hurts the heart and pays attention to the problems.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drinking coffee after drinking to sober up with a cup of coffee will aggravate the damage of alcohol to the human body. Xu Chengbin explained that drinking coffee after drinking will change the brain from extreme inhibition to extreme excitement, stimulate vasodilation, greatly increase the cardiovascular burden, and cause many times more damage to the human body than drinking alone. Therefore, people who drink more than 38 degrees of liquor and more than 50 milliliters of liquor, after drinking

Drinking coffee after drinking to sober up with a cup of coffee will aggravate the damage of alcohol to the human body. Xu Chengbin explained that drinking coffee after drinking will change the brain from extreme inhibition to extreme excitement, stimulate vasodilation, greatly increase the cardiovascular burden, and cause many times more damage to the human body than drinking alone. Therefore, people who drink more than 38 degrees of liquor more than 50 milliliters, do not drink coffee, people who drink a small amount of alcohol, it is best not to drink more than a cup of coffee (200 milliliters). Do not drink coffee within 60 minutes of drinking liquor and 3 hours of wine.