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Boutique Coffee Common sense Coffee excess is the cause of headache?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Headache will not only cause physical discomfort, but also affect work, study, family and other aspects. The latest article in the American Journal of Health summarizes 11 causes of headaches that you might not expect. 1. Weight. Women who are slightly obese (BMI 30) are 35 per cent more likely to have headaches than those who are lighter, according to a new study. People who are severely obese (with a BMI of 40) are 80 per cent more likely to have headaches. two。 Personality

Headache will not only cause physical discomfort, but also affect work, study, family and other aspects. A new article in the American journal Health summarizes "11 causes of headaches you can't imagine."

1. Weight. Women who are slightly obese (BMI 30) are 35 per cent more likely to have headaches than those who are lighter, according to a new study. People who are severely obese (with a BMI of 40) are 80 per cent more likely to have headaches.

two。 Personality. People with stubborn, introverted and delusional personalities are more likely to have headaches. These people should be trained to relax.

3. Sex. The survey found that 46% of headache sufferers said that sex induced headaches. This is mostly due to excessive force headache, foreplay dull pain, the most exciting part of a sudden headache before and after. In most cases, there is no harm.

4. I sleep late on weekends. Breaking the rules and sleeping late on weekends can lead to headaches. Maintain a regular schedule and get up on time, the risk of headaches will be reduced.

5. paint. In particular, strong colors can cause headaches, and the strong smell of paint can also cause headaches.

6. dehydration. Dehydration can cause headaches. In addition to drinking more water, you should also eat more fruits and vegetables to replenish body fluids and nutrition.

7. Miss a normal meal. Hunger is a common cause of headaches. No matter how busy your work is, you should ensure that you have three meals a day.

8. Too much caffeine. A small amount of caffeine can help relieve headaches, but eating too much is counterproductive.

9. I don't like activities. People who are inactive are more likely to have headaches than those who are not active, a new Swedish study has found. Exercise 20ml 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, to help avoid headaches.

10. I don't get enough sleep. People who get an average of six hours of sleep a night have more severe headaches and have more frequent attacks than people who get enough sleep, according to a large study.

11. Food inducement. Red wine, beer, monosodium glutamate, chocolate and sausage can cause headaches; spinach, tofu, oats, barley, olive oil, kidney beans, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds help prevent headaches. (Chen Zonglun) Life Times (2011-04-05, page 02)