Coffee review

Taking cold medicine and drinking coffee is equivalent to taking poison.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Institute of Pharmacists cites foreign studies showing that when taken in conjunction with high amounts of caffeine products, PPA can triple the maximum blood concentration. The Hong Kong Institute of Pharmacists reminds members of the public that cold medicine generally contains phenylpropanolamine, which, if taken in conjunction with high amounts of caffeine products, may cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and can be fatal. The Hong Kong Institute of Pharmacists reminds the public

The Society of Pharmacists cites foreign studies showing that PPA can triple maximum blood concentrations when taken in conjunction with high caffeine products. The Hong Kong Institute of Pharmacists reminds the public that cold medicine commonly contains phenylpropanolamine, which may cause a sharp rise in blood pressure if taken in combination with high caffeine products, which may be fatal.

The Hong Kong Institute of Pharmacists reminds the public that cold medicine commonly contains phenylpropanolamine, which may cause a sharp rise in blood pressure if taken in combination with high caffeine products, which may be fatal. Members of the public are also not allowed to take medicine with coffee or tea. They should consult a pharmacist before taking medicine.