Coffee review

Make grinding easy the $300 fully automatic coffee machine experience

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Even for coffee lovers, the convenience of a fully automatic coffee machine is commendable. At present, there are many high-quality fully automatic coffee machines on the market, of which the $300 (about 1861 yuan) Breville Grind Control is a very recommended choice. It has an adjustable grinder that can cook up to 12 cups of coffee at a time. If

让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验

Even for coffee lovers, the convenience of a fully automatic coffee machine is commendable. There are many high-quality fully automatic coffee machines on the market, of which the $300 (1861 yuan) Breville Grind Control is a highly recommended choice-it has an adjustable grinder that can cook up to 12 cups of coffee at a time. If you are interested in buying a fully automatic coffee machine, take a look at the experience of the technology website Gizmodo.


让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验

Grind Control uses Breville's iconic metal body, with a round appearance and a full sense of the future. Whether you like the design or not, its good workmanship is undeniable. In addition to the simple and powerful design, the keys and menus of the coffee machine are also very clear, and the glittering ring around the buttons looks very pleasing to the eye.

让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验

But then again, this coffee maker is not small at all, and if your desktop space is limited, there may be something wrong with its placement. But if you have bought a separate grinder, cooking equipment and kettle, this all-in-one device may still make room for you.


让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验

The way to use this device is very simple, you just need to pour coffee beans into the cabin on the back of the fuselage, pour water into the tank, choose the amount of cooking, and then press the start button. In addition, you can also adjust the concentration of coffee.

It is important to note that the Grind Control's built-in filter is not very effective, so you'd better use basket filter paper-unless you want to drink turbid coffee.

Grind Control's built-in grinder can hold up to half a pound of coffee beans. After pressing the cooking button, it begins to grind the coffee beans and spit the powder into the coffee basket. You need to clean the coffee basket after each use, but fortunately, the cleaning process is not troublesome.

Grind Control's built-in grinder offers only four different gears to adjust, so you can't have a complete choice of fineness like a stand-alone grinder. After all, the Grind Control is just a trickle coffee machine, and you can't grind the beans thick enough to make a cup of French pressure, or fine enough to make a cup of Italian concentrate.

Most coffee machines don't support temperature control, but this is critical to making a high-quality cup of coffee-you have to heat the water to 200 degrees Fahrenheit to extract enough. But Grind Control promised that he could do it. Although it is impossible to use a thermometer to make actual measurements, if this is true, then its heating rate must be very fast. When cooking a 16-ounce (about 450ml) cup of coffee, Grind Control takes a total of 4 minutes and 22 seconds, of which only about 1 minute is spent heating the water.

让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验

The Grind Control comes with a very strong thermostat to keep the coffee warm for a long time. But it may be because the outlet is too small (reducing heat loss), it is difficult for this thermos to pour out the cooked coffee smoothly. If you are in a hurry to drink brewed coffee, you might as well just put your cup up and pick it up.

让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验


让研磨变得简单 300美元全自动咖啡机体验

Of course, the most direct criterion for determining the quality of a coffee machine is the quality of the coffee itself, and Grind Control's performance on this is not disappointing. The author blindly tested a cup of hand-brewed coffee with coffee made by Grind Control. Although the former tastes better, the difference between the two is actually very small, which should be a compliment to a Didi coffee machine.


If you want to drink a cup of high-quality coffee without much effort, then Grind Control can definitely meet your need. Although it can not achieve a variety of different flavors like hand-brewed coffee, but the good thing is that it is much better than the capsule coffee machine. The biggest obstacle to drinking coffee is grinding, and Grind Control makes the process easier.