Coffee review

Can milk eliminate the toxins in caffeine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Scientific selection of milk: the higher the calcium content, the better, but the greater advantage of this way of drinking tea is that milk can also detoxify tea. Tea contains a natural ingredient tea polyphenols, which can be divided into two categories of hydrolyzable tea polyphenols and condensed tea polyphenols. The former contains anticancer substances and has the pharmacological effect of preventing normal cell carcinogenesis. But at the same time, condensed tea polyphenols drank too much, but

Scientific selection of milk: the higher the calcium content, the better.

However, the greater advantage of this way of drinking tea is that milk can also detoxify the tea.

Tea contains a natural ingredient-"tea polyphenols", which is divided into two categories-hydrolyzable tea polyphenols and condensed tea polyphenols. The former contains anticancer substances and has the pharmacological effect of preventing normal cell carcinogenesis. But at the same time, drinking too much condensed tea polyphenols may increase the prevalence of esophageal and oral cancer.

It is well known that milk is rich in protein. After adding milk to the tea, the combination of protein and tea polyphenols can make the tea polyphenols more easily absorbed by the stomach and intestines, thus reducing the incidence of cancer.

In addition, tea or coffee contains caffeine, which is also a moderate amount of beneficial, excessive harmful substances. Caffeine can cause osteoporosis, if you drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day, bone calcium will be lost with urine, if you do not pay attention to calcium supplement, it is likely to cause osteoporosis.

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Medical studies have shown that women who drink two cups of coffee a day and maintain the habit for life (more than 45 years) are more likely to develop osteoporosis of their vertebrae and hips, while women who drink at least one glass of milk a day to supplement calcium, the incidence of osteoporosis is relatively low. Thus, drinking milk can also eliminate the chronic toxins in caffeine.