Coffee review

The general knowledge of fine coffee teaches you to know the common coffee utensils.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee is a kind of drink that can bring people a good mood. Don't believe the long speeches of some metaphysicians. Coffee is like a home-cooked dish. Everyone can make it themselves, even if they put their heart into it, everyone can make a good cup of coffee. Most of the solutes in coffee belong to lipids, which determines that the extraction of coffee requires higher temperature, and lipids are soluble at high temperature.

Coffee is a kind of drink that can bring people a good mood. Don't believe the long speeches of some metaphysicians. Coffee is like a home-cooked dish. Everyone can make it themselves, even if they put their heart into it, everyone can make a good cup of coffee.

Most of the solutes in coffee belong to lipids, which determines that the extraction of coffee requires higher temperature. the solubility of lipids is enhanced at high temperature, and it is easier for water to extract from the porous coffee powder, but if the water temperature is too high, lipids are easy to hydrolyze or decompose, and it is also easy to extract unpleasant substances from other coffee beans. Therefore, the temperature suitable for coffee extraction is between 80 °and 96 °.

According to the current situation of coffee development, there are three main production methods of coffee: 1. Cold extraction, iced coffee; 2. Atmospheric pressure permeation method, also known as trickling filtration (drip); 3. High temperature and high pressure extraction, which is what we call espresso.

Among them, the requirements of the first two instruments are relatively low, relatively economical, and are more suitable for people who have just come into contact with coffee.

What kind of utensils


Normal pressure

Hand punch, flannel, American drip coffee maker

Naples flip pot

Or a delicate Belgian pot.

They all use the method of extracting the solute from coffee beans at a certain temperature under atmospheric pressure and removing the coffee grounds through a filter.

The coffee brewed by drip filtration can faithfully restore the characteristics of coffee origin, variety, and even roasting degree. Its concentration is moderate and suitable for direct drinking, and it is also suitable for adding vegetable fat powder (coffee companion) and sugar to blend it into your favorite taste. The concentration of coffee made by this method is low, and the instant coffee and canned coffee available in many stores are close to this kind of coffee products.

I most recommend French filter pots for coffee dripping utensils, because they can be bought in supermarkets for about 20 yuan. When brewing, you only need to use a thermometer to measure the appropriate water temperature and stir moderately to produce high-quality coffee.

Espresso, also known as espresso, is a method of extracting coffee at high temperature and high pressure. It is found that the coffee extracted by high temperature steam is extremely fragrant and fast, so it is named "espresso", which means "fast" and "compressed".

At first, the pressure of espresso could only reach 2~3bar. After the piston espresso machine invented by GAGGIA, the pressure of espresso gradually increased to the height of 7~9bar. Through the efforts of the second generation of illy Coffee, Dr. ernesto illy gradually put forward some laws of espresso, that is, the basic range of "9barot 90 °C, 27sec", later known as the golden rule.

This is not to say that the "golden rule" is an iron rule. Everything espresso is made according to this rule. First of all, we must understand that Italian coffee has higher temperature and shorter extraction time, so it only extracts specific ingredients in coffee, just like the production of "chopping off the head and leaving the tail in the middle". In this way, what we get is not the original flavor of the coffee, but the coffee flavor we want. Coffee has its own flavor, and a coffee maker's job is like a tailor, combining the advantages and disadvantages of coffee by learning from each other. So beans for espresso are usually marked with the word "blend", so it makes no sense to discuss what kind of environmental extraction each bean needs. It can only be said that the most suitable extraction temperature for each brand of Italian mixed coffee beans is slightly different, while the most suitable extraction condition for illy coffee is the golden rule of Ernesto.illy.

Therefore, the advantage of espresso is that it is full-bodied and can be mixed with milk foam in a specific proportion to form fancy coffee without reducing the flavor of the coffee due to the decrease of concentration. Of course, drinking espresso directly is also a pleasure, after all, it is the "essence" part of coffee.

This is the symbol of the Italian Coffee Association, which is a standard jointly developed by some well-known coffee companies and coffee maker. It can also be said to be the most authoritative organization of Italian coffee.

So far, the most suitable coffee machines for coffee lovers to make espresso at home are Rancilio's Silvia and Nouva Smionelli's OSCAR, as well as more high-end options such as shuttle and expobar. There is an introduction to the posts I have posted before.