Coffee review

World Best Coffee Award Peruvian Coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the mid-1970s, Peruvian coffee production was about 900000 bags a year, and then steadily increased to about 1.3 million bags a year. Although private exporters buy coffee in remote areas through middlemen, the main market is still monopolized by the government. Later, the private Peruvian Coffee exporters Association (ComeradeExportadoresdeCafedelPeru) was established, which is dedicated to coffee.

In the mid-1970s, Peruvian coffee production was about 900000 bags a year, and then steadily increased to about 1.3 million bags a year. Although private exporters buy coffee in remote areas through middlemen, the main market is still monopolized by the government. Later, the private Peruvian Coffee exporters Association (ComeradeExportadoresdeCafedelPeru) was established, which is committed to improving the quality of coffee. Its primary task is to set standards and eliminate inferior products, so as to create an atmosphere of quality supremacy. This positive move heralds a bright future for the coffee industry. Since then, rising prices have encouraged farmers to actively grow coffee rather than cocoa, the region's traditional cash crop.

The quality of Peruvian coffee is comparable to that of any kind of coffee in Central or South America. The high quality coffee produced by Peru is shipped to Germany for blending and then to Japan and the United States, which also illustrates its high standard of quality. Peruvian coffee, a rising star, is gradually opening up its popularity and entering the world. It is mostly planted in high-altitude areas, the planned planting makes the yield greatly increased, the taste mellow, the right acidity, more and more people like it.

Coffee well-known index: ★★★☆

Taste index: ★★★★

Composite index: ★★? ★★☆

Ma Qiu Picchu: the lost city

Best time to travel: Peruvian summer is from December to March of the following year, with February as the hottest month of the year, but its monthly maximum temperature does not exceed 31 ℃. Peruvian winter is from April to November, and the average monthly temperature in Peruvian winter is only 18 ℃. Therefore, the best travel time for Peru is from May to October.