Coffee review

The homemade DIY coffee diet is healthy, natural and thin.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drinking coffee to lose weight is no longer a new topic, but long-term drinking can make people feel neurotically dependent. A large amount of caffeine into the human body will also have an impact on health, so the following editors recommend three homemade DIY coffee weight loss recipes, which can not only ensure the strong fat-burning effect of coffee, but also neutralize the effects of coffee on human health. Coffee

Drinking coffee to lose weight is no longer a new topic, but long-term drinking can make people nervous and dependent. A large amount of caffeine into the human body will also have an impact on health, so the following editors recommend three homemade DIY coffee weight loss recipes, both to ensure the strong effect of coffee burning fat, but also to neutralize the impact of coffee on human health, hurry to learn it.

Coffee Recipe 1

Coffee + soy milk, get rid of the belly

Ingredients: instant coffee, sugar-free soy milk, boiled water.

Production: choose sugar-free soy milk powder, if there are fresh soybeans can be polished by themselves, of course, the best. Use boiling water to brew soy milk, or boil fresh soy milk for 2-3 minutes, use hot soy milk as the bottom of coffee, pour directly into coffee powder and stir evenly, remember not to add sugar, otherwise the calories will be too high.

Comments: Soy milk does not contain any cholesterol, while fresh soy milk also contains linoleic acid, can promote the decomposition of cholesterol, so soy milk is to promote gastrointestinal detoxification, reduce the cholesterol content of healthy drinks in the blood. With soy milk with coffee, not only can help coffee promote fat burning, but also reduce caffeine on the stomach and nerve stimulation, play a gentle role in dredging. It's very effective for girls who always have a baby bump.