Coffee review

The traditional way of drinking Coffee basic knowledge of Coffee inventory

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, However, different people and different countries have different ways to drink a kind of coffee. For example, in the early days when coffee was not so popular, different countries had different ways of drinking coffee, such as Italy, France, Britain, the Netherlands and other countries had their own traditional coffee drinking methods. 1. Italy: it is a kind of espresso in a small cup, which can be cooked and drunk quickly, and it is right for coffee.


However, different people and different countries have different ways to drink a kind of coffee. For example, in the early days when coffee was not so popular, different countries had different ways of drinking coffee, such as Italy, France, Britain, the Netherlands and other countries had their own traditional coffee drinking methods.

1. Italy: it is a kind of espresso in a small cup, which can be cooked and drunk quickly. People who have been in contact with the coffee for a long time can get used to its heavy taste.

2. France: the French prefer light coffee, which is generally made from moderately roasted and roughly ground coffee beans by soaking. I like to drink it with chicory root.

3. England: usually put the coffee powder in a cloth bag, tie it up, put it in a tile pot and add water. After it is boiled on the stove, pour it into a cup to drink.

4. Holland: coffee, sugar and cream can not be missing, and the taste is quite heavy. At the end of the drink, I began to get tired and had to be adjusted with clean water.

Sudan: black coffee is poured into the coffee pot and added with cloves and other spices is their favorite.

6. Turkey: boil the best coffee beans, sugar and water in a container called "Ibrik". After drinking, the coffee grounds left in the coffee cup can also be used to predict the future.

7. The United States: the convenient electric trickling coffee machine is one of the necessities in every family in the United States, which is more in line with their fast-paced way of life.

8. Greece: Greek coffee needs to be boiled slowly on a special small liquefied gas canister. The problem is that this kind of coffee contains a large proportion of coffee grounds and can no longer be drunk after a few mouthfuls.

Ethiopia: when drinking coffee, the host will put on neat national costumes, pour them into small porcelain cups without handles, and enjoy them with fried barley grains and local snacks.

10. Russia: when people drink coffee, they will choose black coffee with sugar and a small slice of lemon, this kind of coffee has a rich and calm taste.