Coffee review

Good coffee should be handled correctly.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. The next bottle should be dried and there should be no water droplets. When you pull out the upper seat, tilt to the right and pull straight up, do not break 3. The spring under the middle filter should be tightened, the hook should be hooked, and pulled to the center 4. When you plug in the seat, plug it down and hold it tight by 5. Pay attention to water quality: pure water, purified water, magnetized water, distilled water, do not use mineral water 6. The temperature is 80-90 degrees Celsius in this room. Punch time: all 50: 60

1. Dry the next bottle, no water drops

2. When pulling out the seat, pull it up obliquely to the right and do not break it.

3. The spring below the middle filter should be tightened, the hook should be hooked, and pulled to the center

4. When you insert the seat, insert it down tightly

5. Water quality: pure water, purified water, magnetized water, distilled water, do not use mineral water

6. The temperature is between 80 and 90 degrees Celsius.

7. Charge time: 50~60 seconds (do not exceed the time too long)

8. Coffee beans should be fresh, not damp or stored for too long

9. Coffee is best served freshly ground.

10. Pay attention to the wind direction when brewing coffee. Do not blow the fire directly.

11. Note the size of the fire source: strong fire, large fire, medium fire, small fire, slight fire.

12. After boiling coffee powder first beat loose, pour out and then rinse with water bottle

13. The number of grinding segments is about 2.5~3.5 segments. The basic principle is: coarse grinding of acid beans, fine grinding of bitter beans, high new segment and low old segment.

14. Coffee cups should be warmed first.

15. The filter net should be soaked in clean water for standby or put into the refrigerator for refrigeration to extend the service life of the filter cloth.

16. When pulling out the upper seat, focus on the left hand to grasp the handle of the lower seat

17. It is best to use hot boiled water in the lower seat to save boiling time.

18. The stirring method should be correct, do not use stirring method

19. The remaining water in the lower seat had better be poured out. When the coffee is almost finished, the remaining foam is also separated.

20. When the stick is pulled, insert it only 2/3 of the way, do not scratch the bottom filter.

21. Do not touch other water in the middle of boiling, and then take it back and pull it out

22. Coffee powder and water quantity should be correct

23. When cooked, cover the seat with your hand and smell it with your nose, or fan it with your hand and smell it with your nose.

24. Wipe the lower seat with a damp cloth. Wipe the bottom first, then the left and right sides.

25. Coffee bean recipe to be correct

26. Be sure to wait for the water to boil before inserting it into the seat.