Coffee review

Rorty and his latte art Caff è Latte

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. When Milk met Coffee Rorty, who majored in tourism, the 30-year-old worked in many industries after graduation and started out as a tour guide, but he said that at that time he was more introverted and didn't think he was very suitable for this extroverted job. But in fact, the comments of the team guests he brought were also very good. Although he didn't say much, he was considerate, the service was also considerate, and the guests liked it very much.


1. When milk meets coffee

Rorty majored in tourism. The 30-year-old has worked in many industries after graduation and started as a tour guide, but he said he was more introverted at that time and didn't think he was very suitable for this extroverted job. But as a matter of fact, the evaluation of the team guests he brought was also very good. Although he didn't say much, he was considerate and considerate, and the guests liked him very much.

Later, he went to work in a five-star hotel in Shenzhen, where he began to come into contact with coffee.

When he told us about his work experience, his hands were not idle. He is using a coffee machine to make foam to show us the art of lattes.

In Rorty's view, the latte art that began to emerge in some professional barista competitions after 2000 is a typical freestyle flower-drawing movement when milk encounters coffee. It does not rely on external force or external assistance, but entirely through the swing of the hand, or push forward, or pull backward, to make the milk soak on the coffee to form a pattern.

The so-called milk foam is to heat the pure milk with high-pressure steam, which must be dry and sufficient when beating, and beat the milk until it rotates in the container. Rorty attaches great importance to milk bubbles. He said that if you want to launch a beautiful pattern, you must play it well and make it very thin, mobile and controllable, otherwise it will be difficult to successfully launch the pattern. The milk foam is so good that it can even put the desired pattern on the soy sauce. Of course, the choice of milk is also crucial. After many attempts of his own, Rorty chose milk with a shelf life of 8 days. He said that the milk was pure enough and the foam was easy to use.

2. Push out nine layers of tulips by hand

The meaning of latte in Italian stands for milk art. Rorty told me the scope of latte art. He said that latte art, also known as flower drawing art, is roughly divided into three kinds. The main difference lies in whether to use external force or external objects.

Drawing flowers or carvings made with the help of external tools or objects is a pattern made by pushing milk foam into coffee by hand, and then decorating the surface with toothpicks or chocolate powder. to make the pattern fuller and more shaped, this is the first.

The second is called encirclement, which means that although the pattern is completed with the help of external forces such as toothpicks, chocolate powder or caramel is no longer used to decorate the pattern.

The last and most respected by Rorty, of course, is the kind of freestyle flower he is playing now, which is done entirely by hand, that is, when milk is poured into the coffee, it forms ripples in the coffee by gently shaking the wrist of the operator. to make all kinds of complicated shapes.

Rorty now has seven or eight patterns, one of which is "tulips". He said he could not pull out more than 10,000 cups without practice, and his best record was the introduction of nine layers on a tulip pattern.

3. The awesome people of coffee.

Rorty began to learn the art of flower drawing in 2005. since he became interested in coffee, he has communicated with many coffee lovers through a number of online forums, including experts and awesome people. Rorty's frequent forums include the coffee salon and the idle book talk of the Tianya forum. He is a super moderator in the coffee salon, and there are not many awesome people who can talk about coffee with him on the Tianya forum. The other two people who are very good in Rorty's eyes have now become his friends, often exchanging and discussing coffee topics together.

He said that he met many coffee lovers and learned a lot through such a platform, but no one taught the art of flower drawing, and he practiced it all on his own. that's why he said that the tulip pattern could only be released after more than 10,000 cups of practice.

With his unique skill, Rorty has conquered the hearts of many "brown friends". He recently opened his own cafe and is ready to continue to spread his latte art. after all, not many people can play in Guangzhou, even less well. Rorty is one of the best among them, so he has cultivated a group of his own fans. He often organizes groups of fans to meet in a coffee shop for cup testing activities. They will choose different coffee beans to mix in order to make a better latte. Every time Rorty performs his push and pull skills live, there will always be bursts of exclamations from onlookers, because they can't believe their own eyes. How can they just turn their wrists back and forth and come out with such a beautiful pattern?