Coffee review

In the World Cup, Australia likes coffee best.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As the World Cup in Brazil is just around the corner, according to the Independent, teams from some countries have put forward a lot of strange requests. Brazil, the host of the tournament, has a headache in its domestic hotels, and the requirements from each country are different. and more matters focus on details. The World Cup in Brazil is just around the corner. According to the Independent, teams from some countries have put forward a lot of proposals.

As the World Cup in Brazil is just around the corner, according to the Independent, teams from some countries have put forward a lot of strange requests. Brazil, the host of the tournament, has a headache in its domestic hotels, and the requirements from each country are different. and more matters focus on details.

As the World Cup in Brazil is just around the corner, according to the Independent, teams from some countries have put forward a lot of strange requests. Brazil, the host of the tournament, has a headache in its domestic hotels, and the requirements from each country are different. and more matters focus on details.

The Australian team's request was relatively simple, asking the hotel to provide Brazilian meat, chicken and fish for absorption and digestion, as well as a coffee maker for four of the players. Look at the requirements of this team, mainly want to focus on the taste of Brazilian delicacy. As a major local industry in Brazil, coffee has also attracted the attention of people all over the world.

However, the request of the Australian team for the coffee machine is also based on the fact that Australians really like to drink coffee. According to a report by the World Coffee Association, the favorite coffee drinkers in the world are not Italians or French, but Australians.


Mixed coffee is the most popular in Australia, with more than 90% of the coffee consumed by Australians being seasoned, with more than 75% of the coffee with milk and 65% with sugar. Of all the seasoned coffee, lattes and cappuccinos are the most popular. In Melbourne, people living in cities prefer lattes, while people living in the outer suburbs prefer cappuccino. As for mocha coffee, there is also a certain degree of market popularity.


Although Australians are coffee lovers, Australia is not a big coffee producer. Most of the coffee they drink comes from Italy, Brazil or other places, so this World Cup in Brazil is a welcome place for Australian teams.

As a relatively early domestic coffee machine manufacturer, AAA coffee machine entered the Brazilian market with some European coffee merchants as early as 2010, and put some of the machines into some five-star hotels in Brazil. It is believed that in this World Cup in Brazil, it will be able to do a good job in serving coffee for national teams.