Coffee review

Make simple iced coffee at home in cold summer

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Will those who like to drink coffee seldom drink coffee from cafes because it is hot and don't want to go out? let's make a cup of iced coffee at home. When summer comes, I don't want to go to Starbucks or cafes in the sun, but the urge to drink coffee has not been scorched by the scorching sun. I believe there are many friends who like coffee just like me.

Will those who like to drink coffee seldom drink coffee from cafes because it is hot and don't want to go out? let's make a cup of iced coffee at home.

When summer comes, I don't want to go to Starbucks or cafes in the sun, but the urge to drink coffee has not been scorched by the scorching sun. I believe there are many friends who like coffee just like me. Since you don't want to go out, make coffee in a living office at home.

Here is a simple way to make iced coffee:

You need to prepare a tall glass and a spoon long enough.


Put ice cubes into a glass


Pour in normal temperature or refrigerated coffee until almost no ice cubes.



You can put cream on it and pour in a little milk if you want it to be simple. You can also take a moment to watch the mixing of milk and coffee, which is a magical moment.



Finally, you can add a little sugar.



