Coffee review

The Operation Model of Marriage Cafe between Bookstore and Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Although the combination of cafes and bookstores is another business model, it is both for consumers. Consumers can not only read books while drinking coffee, but also buy books and go home. The collective disappearance of the Humanities Bookstore once made people sigh for the fading smell of books in Quancheng. But with a sigh, a coffee bookstore model quietly tested the water, trying to re-

Although the combination of cafes and bookstores is another business model, it is both for consumers. Consumers can not only read books while drinking coffee, but also buy books and go home.

The collective disappearance of the Humanities Bookstore once made people sigh for the fading smell of books in Quancheng. But with a sigh, a "coffee bookstore model" quietly tested the water, trying to draw people's attention back to paper books.

"Pin Ju Shu Bar" has a collection of more than 30,000 books, which can accommodate 100 people for reading, leisure, technical exchanges and holding lecture forums. All the activities of the book bar show the trend of open participation, and the membership system is adopted to enable more people to find their spiritual homes in the "Pin Ju Book Bar". In addition to the books sold in the book bar, there is also a small area for readers to read in the book bar. If many customers come to the store for coffee or dinner, they can read here, and there are not a few people who buy books.

At present, under the influence of e-commerce, physical bookstores are greatly affected, and book bars also have a lot of pressure to survive. But the combination of cafes and bookstores has found another business model.