Coffee review

14 weight loss traps Coffee Health knowledge

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The complete rejection of fat seems to be the biggest enemy of the body, and it is also a hidden danger of all kinds of diseases. In fact, maintaining a certain amount of fat can not only stabilize your body temperature, but also reduce the effect of concussion on internal organs. More and more studies have shown that the promoting function of fat on metabolism and the role of fatty foods in weight loss are not always.

Completely refuse fat intake

Fat seems to be the biggest enemy of body shape, or the hidden danger of various diseases, except for the quick. In fact, maintaining a certain amount of fat can not only keep your body temperature constant, but also reduce the impact of shocks on internal organs. More and more studies have also shown that fat's role in promoting metabolism and fat foods in the process of weight loss is not always negative.

Edible fat is not only not quickly converted into fat storage in the body, but the decomposition of fat can also inhibit fat synthesis in the body to a certain extent. Corn oil and olive oil, which are single non-binding fats, have the effect of reducing LDL, which is an ideal edible oil for weight loss and bodybuilding; fatty foods that are resistant to digestion and hunger can reduce your desire for starchy foods and snacks.

Coffee to lose weight

Caffeine can indeed accelerate the decomposition of fat, so that fatty acids are separated from fat tissue into the blood, if combined with exercise, the fatty acids in the blood will be burned off, you can reduce fat, otherwise it will return to fat tissue, re-stored into fat, coffee weight loss ultimately comes down to exercise. The most important thing is to drink at least 8 cups of coffee a day, even with exercise, to achieve the effect of separating fatty acids. Such a large amount will definitely make you sleepless for a long time, and the ability to absorb nutrients will be greatly reduced, and the weight will naturally decrease. And coffee has a diuretic effect, a large number of coffee will lead to body water shortage, affecting the skin more harmful to health.

Pepper Weight Loss

Studies have shown that red peppers contain an ingredient called Capsaicin that can help burn fat and speed up metabolism; studies have also shown that the lower obesity rate among Japanese and Korean women is related to their long-term consumption of spicy kimchi; more because chili peppers do stimulate sweat glands and help drain water, which can reduce body edema, so they are regarded as weight loss top grade.

In fact, there is no direct evidence that chilies can lose weight. Moreover, excessive consumption of spicy peppers will affect stomach function, and there is a risk of stomachache and even gastric bleeding. And eat too much irritating food will make the skin become rough, and even acne, it seems that some of the loss outweighs the gain!

A way to focus solely on weight.

Do you still believe in weight as a measure of your weight, or believe in recipes that claim to lose 2-3 pounds a week? Weight comes from fat, muscle, bones, and water. There is no long-term record of changes in weight, waist circumference, and hip circumference, and it cannot really explain weight loss results. Most of those quick-acting weight loss methods only subtract the body's moisture and drink a few more glasses of water.

Only the parts you want to lose weight

The words "thin waist, reduce buttocks, abdomen" are full of temptation, and partial exercise also gives us hope for shaping unsatisfactory parts. In fact, local exercise consumes less energy, fatigue, and can not last; in addition, fat supply is controlled by nerve and endocrine regulation, this regulation is systemic, not which part can be reduced which part of excess fat, where blood supply conditions are good, conducive to fat consumption, where you can lose weight.

Exercise after meals

Fasting exercise will occur due to the large consumption of glycogen stored in the body dizziness, fatigue, palpitation and other hypoglycemia reaction, so exercise must eat before? Dallas Bodybuilding Center research believes that 1-2 hours before meals (that is, fasting) for moderate exercise such as walking, dancing, jogging, cycling and other help to lose weight. Because there is no new fatty acid entering the fat cells in the body at this time, it is easy to consume excess fat (especially postpartum fat), and the weight loss effect is higher than that of exercise after meals. As long as the amount of exercise is controlled, it does not consume a large amount of heat energy, and the energy stored in the body is sufficient to use, it will not affect health.

Exercise for 20 minutes more and you'll burn off the sweet stuff.

There's nothing wrong with extending aerobic exercise occasionally in order to burn off a little more sweet food, but if it becomes a habit, it can backfire. Prolonged exercise has become an excuse for not keeping your mouth shut. In effect, you are putting yourself in an overtraining situation where your body has no time to recover from overtraining fatigue. Overtraining leads to excessive secretion of metabolic hormones, which attach to muscles and make them unable to synthesize them. So people who can't keep their mouths shut should increase the intensity of their next aerobic workout slightly or reduce their calorie intake for the next meal.

Eating vegetable oil won't make you fat

It is generally believed that corn oil and sunflower oil derived from plants have lower calories than butter and are suitable for cooking oil during weight loss. In fact, this view is not comprehensive. From a nutritionist's point of view, the same amount of animal oil and vegetable oil contains the same amount of calories, 100 grams of oil contains more than 900 calories, the difference is that vegetable oil has a lower cholesterol content and is beneficial to health. But frying food with vegetable oil will also make high-calorie food, so the key is not what oil, but how to eat.

A low-calorie diet

While it's true to cut calories during weight loss, eating less than 800 calories can eventually lead to malnutrition, lower metabolic rates, and rapid weight gain later on. Eat less and eat more meals, pay attention to balanced nutrition is the key to weight loss diet.

Farewell to "potato"

Potatoes and sweet potatoes not only taste good, but also can produce satiety low-calorie food. However, most of the chips and chips on the market are deeply hated by people who lose weight after high temperature frying, which makes people mistakenly think that potato is the enemy of weight loss. In fact, potato calories are very low, but the nutritional value is more than rice and wheat, calories and rice are equal, calcium content is 5 times that of brown rice, iron content is 3 times that of white rice, protein, vitamin C content is also very rich. Therefore, give up easy to fat cooking methods, potato cooked sprinkle seasoning, completely delicious and nutritious diet food.

When you have to drink, substitute hard liquor for beer and whiskey

Sugar in alcohol is not a key factor in obesity, alcohol alone can not affect waist circumference, alcohol will not be converted into fat, but can promote fat storage. The heat produced by alcohol in alcohol cannot be stored in the body, and the body consumes alcohol first, and then other fuels. So hard liquor is fattening just as much as any other alcoholic beverage. Also, alcohol is often accompanied by fatty snacks such as potato chips and nuts. Unfortunately, any fat that goes down with alcohol is stored directly as fat. So it's not what you drink, it's what you eat while you drink.

substitute vegetables and fruits for rice and meat

Many people believe that eating only vegetables and fruits, low in calories and nutritious, is the best diet for weight loss. The calories of vegetables and fruits are not high, but it is not easy to produce the feeling of "fullness", unconsciously eat more, the appetite is big, once you stop taking vegetables and fruits as the staple food, the appetite will become your weight killer!

More importantly, eating only fruits and vegetables will lead to nutritional imbalance. The causes of obesity vary and are not necessarily a single accumulation of nutrients, but often a lack of nutrients that convert fat into energy. When fat in the body is converted into energy, it needs a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and folic acid. Lack of these substances, fat is not easy to produce energy and naturally accumulates in the body. Foods rich in these nutrients, such as milk, peanuts, eggs and fatty foods such as animal liver and meat, have been replaced by vegetables and fruits for a long time, and naturally lack the power of energy conversion.

Quitting smoking can make you fat.

Many people think that tar and nicotine in cigarettes help burn calories, so they don't want to quit smoking for fear of gaining weight. Back to the roots, this is a psychological suggestion. Many people do get a little fat when they just quit smoking, because smoking will reduce your taste sensitivity and reduce your interest in food. Once you quit smoking, your taste and smell return to normal, your appetite will recover, and your appetite will naturally become better. As long as you control your appetite a little, there will be no big rebound.

30 minutes of jogging can help you lose weight.

Long-term adherence to high-intensity exercise is not as good as moderate and long-lasting exercise, so you can lose weight by jogging for 30 minutes each time. But studies have shown that jogging can achieve aerobic exercise goals, but it has little effect on weight loss. And only after about 40 minutes of exercise duration, the fat in the human body will be mobilized to supply energy together with glycogen. No matter the intensity of exercise is shorter than about 40 minutes, fat consumption is not obvious.