Coffee review

How to taste coffee correctly to get the real mellow taste of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Correct ordinary coffee can taste the real mellow aroma of coffee, so how to taste a cup of coffee? Tasting coffee is the same as tasting a cup of pure red wine, and you need to experience the real taste of coffee. But in modern society, the main purpose of most people drinking coffee is not to taste it, but to drink it like a cup of water, without realizing the real mellow aroma of coffee.

Correct ordinary coffee can taste the real mellow aroma of coffee, so how to taste a cup of coffee?

Tasting coffee is the same as tasting a cup of pure red wine, and you need to experience the real taste of coffee. But in modern society, the main purpose of drinking coffee is not to taste it, but to drink it as a cup of water, without realizing the real mellow flavor of coffee.

As a professional coffee taster. Must have professional tasting skills.

First of all, be careful in the selection of coffee beans. Although there is little difference in appearance among different types of coffee beans, the difference is obvious to experts. For example, some people think that selected Arabica coffee beans look better than Robbins coffee beans. Simple flavor classification can be carried out for coffee from different areas. Coffee beans from South America are very sour and refreshing, while coffee beans from East Africa, Yemen and Ethiopia have a strong aroma of wine. Various types of coffee beans, after a variety of different processing methods to provide tasters with a variety of coffee drinks, so that people taste different coffee.

How to properly taste coffee 01

Secondly, should you drink coffee while it is hot or cold? Everyone has their own point of view. But the ideal time to taste coffee is when brewing coffee, in order not to reduce the taste of coffee, the coffee cup should be soaked in boiling water beforehand. The appropriate temperature for coffee is 83 ℃ at the moment of brewing, 80 ℃ when it is poured into the cup, and 61 ℃-62 ℃ when it is in the mouth.

Finally, opinions vary on the question of whether coffee should be made with sugar and milk. If you want to really experience the taste of coffee, no sugar and milk is to experience the real taste of coffee, although the first drink will feel very bitter, but slowly taste it will taste the real taste, thus also experience the feeling of bitterness before sweetness.

Nowadays, people almost drink instant coffee to save time, but just to save time without experiencing the taste of coffee, not to taste it, but to drink it as a cup of water, just to refresh. So it takes skill to taste coffee.