Coffee review

Throw away the coffee and start the day healthier in these ways

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Every day, no matter how mental you are, you are used to starting your day with a cup of coffee. Have you ever thought that this is actually a very bad habit? There are many other options for starting a day's work life, even if they are healthier than coffee. Let's throw away the coffee and start the day healthier in these ways. We all know the benefits of morning exercise in mini yoga, but

Every day, no matter how mental you are, you are used to starting your day with a cup of coffee. Have you ever thought that this is actually a very bad habit? There are many other options for starting a day's work life, even if they are healthier than coffee. Let's throw away the coffee and start the day healthier in these ways!


1. Do mini yoga

We all know the benefits of exercise in the morning, but not everyone wants to come together and sweat. Yoga is one of the exercises suitable for the early morning. You can have a 10-to 20-minute short version of yoga, whether it's taking morning classes at the gym or studying with videos at home. Start your day like this!

two。 Stretching

Stretching is something everyone does in the morning. When you wake up in the morning, stretch your body to relax your joints, make your whole body more flexible, and even help you get rid of drowsiness!

3. A healthy breakfast

A well-balanced breakfast can get your metabolism on track and avoid the possibility of overeating. In fact, people who eat breakfast are no fatter than people who don't eat breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast may look tempting, but the ideal breakfast should include protein, whole grains and healthy fat.

4. Open the window

Once the brain senses sunlight, it sends a signal that slows melatonin production and secretes large amounts of kidney hormones to tell the body it's time to get up. So you don't need an alarm clock, so let the sun wake you up.

5. Blogging

Just like simple self-therapy, try to write down fleeting thoughts and dreams. Before officially starting a new day, you can take some time to keep a diary, which can help you to talk to yourself and help you concentrate better.

6. Spend some time with the one you love

Whether it's a pet, a child, or someone special, spending some time with them in the morning will give you more positive energy.

7. Arrange the schedule for the day

Keeping yourself in order will make your day easier, especially when the work is hard and stressful. Make a note of the day's appointments and meetings in the morning to avoid unnecessary panic.

8. Jogging

Obviously, we all know that exercise has incredible benefits to health. The plan of the day is in the morning. Proper jogging in the morning can make a good start to the day's study, work and life and bring vitality.

9. Take in a little sugar properly

We're definitely not saying that having a chocolate doughnut early is a healthy lifestyle, but a teaspoon or less sugar will do you a better job. A study by the University of Virginia shows that people between the ages of 60 and 80 who eat a small amount of sugar in the morning have better memories.

10. Motivate yourself with "chicken soup"

After a long and dull night, it's hard to wake up with a positive attitude. Fortunately, there are many Apps aphorisms available to you these days. Chicken soup can't cure everything, but it may give you a little more positive attitude in the morning.