Coffee review

Study says drinking coffee can counteract the side effects of drinking and reduce the risk of liver cancer

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In addition to waking up drowsy in the morning, drinking just one cup a day can even reduce the side effects of drinking three cups of wine a day, which in turn reduces the risk of liver cancer, according to a new study. According to the report, in a report released by the World Cancer Research Fund (World Cancer Research Fund), researchers analyzed global cancer research and possible causes of cancer. Research


In addition to waking up drowsy in the morning, drinking just one cup a day can even reduce the side effects of drinking three cups of wine a day, which in turn reduces the risk of liver cancer, according to a new study.

According to the report, in a report published by the World Cancer Research Fund (World Cancer Research Fund), researchers analyzed global cancer research and possible causes of cancer.

Studies have pointed out that alcohol does a lot of harm to the body. In addition to causing a burden on the endocrine system, it may also hurt the stomach, liver, kidneys, and even "sad". Some studies have also shown that drinking alcohol can cause cancer.

Researchers at Imperial College London (Imperial College London) analyzed 34 studies involving 24500 liver cancer cases from 8.2 million people around the world and found that drinking three glasses of wine a day increased the risk of cancer, while being overweight and overweight also increased the risk of liver cancer, but the study found that the side effects of alcohol on people who drank and drank coffee could be partially offset by the benefits of coffee.

So, how much coffee do you have to drink every day to reduce the side effects of alcohol? People who drink 45 grams (three cups) of coffee a day can help, according to a study by the World Cancer Research Fund.