Coffee review

Spanish Coffee with perfect combination of Honey and Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the quiet afternoon, sitting in a quiet corner of the cafe, sipping Spanish coffee, dreaming of one day coming to Spain to enjoy its rich customs and culture. Spain is one of the most enthusiastic countries in the world. The Spaniards have the fanaticism of a bull and the calmness of a matador. They like the hot drinks of honey products, as well as the bitter taste of coffee. In Spain

Quiet afternoon, sitting in a quiet corner of the cafe, sipping Spanish coffee, dreaming of one day can enjoy Spain's rich culture...

Spain is one of the most welcoming countries in the world. The Spaniard has the zeal of a bull and the calmness of a matador. They love hot drinks made from honey, as well as the bitter taste of coffee. In the Altamira Cave in Valencia, Spain, there are still frescoes from around the 6th century AD depicting honey gathering. Honey has good health and beauty effects, and this Spanish coffee is the perfect match between honey and coffee.


Spanish coffee production is relatively simple, the difficulty lies mainly in the honey content grasp.

Raw materials;


Honey------------------1 oz.

Coconut milk ice cream balls-----------

First, fill the glass with ice, then add honey.

Then pour in two espressos, because with 1 ounce of honey, the coffee is too sweet to drink, so we usually use 56 ml espresso to make this Spanish coffee.

Next, scoop in coconut milk ice cream, let the ice cream ball float on top of the coffee, insert a straw or stir, and serve.