Coffee review

Smart Cup Coffee making Coffee Teaching Coffee apparatus Coffee making Technology

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mr Clever makes coffee Step by Step, which has a unique and memorable name, Mr. Clever, and the Chinese name Smart Cup. It is a convenient and professional coffee making tool, designed and developed by Taiwan E.K Company. It is perfect for both styling and materials, and is favored by many coffee lovers. For the use of the Smart Cup

Mr Clever makes coffee Step by Step. This coffee pot has a unique and memorable name--Mr. Clever, Chinese name "Smart Cup." It is a convenient and professional coffee making tool, designed and developed by Taiwan E.K company, both in terms of shape and materials are perfect, favored by many coffee lovers. For the use of smart cup, many friends do not know much, let us Step by step to teach everyone to use it.

Step1: Need to choose the right filter paper, here we recommend 2-4 people of 102 fan filter paper, before use, to fold the fan filter paper 2 press edge.

As shown in the picture, the two edges should be folded in opposite directions.




Step2: Put filter paper in the smart cup, try to be close to the inner wall of the cup, and place it flat.


Step3: Pour a little water along the filter paper and let the filter paper be wetted by water, so that the filter paper can be more close to the cup wall.


Step4: Grind coffee beans according to medium thickness. About 20g of coffee can be poured into 300ml of water, which can be adjusted according to personal taste. Put the ground coffee in a smart cup.



Step5: The best range of water temperature for coffee extraction is 90 - 96 degrees Celsius, so you can boil the water to 96 degrees (the water boiled in the plain area is basically this temperature).


Step6: Fill the smart cup with water at 96 degrees Celsius, the amount of water is 300ml.


Step 7: Stir until the coffee powder and water are fully blended.


Step8: Cover the cup and let the coffee soak for about 3 minutes. The water temperature in this process gradually drops to about 90 degrees. Controlling the temperature is important to the taste of the coffee, so it is recommended to warm the container or cup of coffee in advance.



Step9: Put the smart cup on the appropriate container, the coffee will automatically flow from the bottom of the cup, enjoy this wonderful dripping process…


Step10: Remove the smart cup, pour out the coffee, mellow and beautiful coffee moment belongs to you…


