Coffee review

How to drink espresso

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, People with good taste seem to have a predestined relationship with coffee. The real coffee must be tasted in three mouthfuls. The little bit of round and meticulous Espresso cups and plates have brought precious, thick brown, a little bit of golden grease, and a little bit of liquid has brought expectation to the vision and taste. Espresso has three mouthfuls: one mouthful of its mellow stimulation, two mouthfuls of its soft and sweet fragrance at the bottom of the cup is not complete.


People with good taste seem to have an affinity for coffee.

The real taste of coffee requires three mouthfuls of Espresso.

That little round and meticulous cup and plate has brought precious.

The thick brown liquid with a little golden grease

Has brought hope to sight and taste.

Espresso has three mouthfuls to finish his speech:

A mouthful of its mellow stimulation

Two mouthfuls of its soft sweet fragrance

Three mouthfuls of white granulated sugar not completely opened at the bottom of the cup with the strong aroma of coffee and the scorching sweetness of granulated sugar

Put a perfect full stop to the sense of taste

Espresso is the soul of coffee
