Coffee review

Kenyan coffee cowpea hand pot making experience coffee hand brewing process

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Kenya round beans: 13 grams, cup baking degree (belongs to 1 burst beans); 93 degrees water temperature (cooling by changing pots, cold water to hot water loss is 2%); powder-to-water ratio is 1VR 16.66; after grinding, it is corrected by No. 20 screen. Water consumption: conversion according to the ratio of gouache: 13g x 16.66mm 216.58g; change to 93 degrees hot water: 216.58 X 0.98g (1-0.02g) = 212.25 g, the total water is 212.25 g, in

Kenya round beans: 13 grams, cup baking degree (belongs to 1 burst beans); 93 degrees water temperature (cooling by changing pots, cold water to hot water loss is 2%); powder-to-water ratio is 1VR 16.66; after grinding, it is corrected by No. 20 screen.

Water consumption: converted according to the ratio of gouache: 13 grams x 16.66 grams 216.58 grams; change to 93 degrees hot water: 216.58 X 0.98 (1-0.02) = 212.25 grams, the total water is 212.25 grams, and the water is cut off once at 70% of the total water (148.6 grams).


Hand-brewed coffee stage 1: steaming

1 burst beans and steam with 15% of the total water. Therefore, the amount of steaming water in this cup of Kenya is 212.25 X 0.15 and 31.8 grams. However, there are requirements for steaming water and circling, the smallest water flow in the hand punch pot begins to circle after 2 seconds of water injection at the central point, it must go around to the edge, and then go back to the central point, about 8 times, requiring that the exact amount of water is about 31.8 grams. There can be a deviation of a few grams, but all powders must be wet to water. To do this, you must practice the smallest flow and circle. The tiniest flow of different hand pots will be different, as thin as possible.

For the steaming time, often see the powder layer formed by steaming, if no bubbles come out, it means that the steaming time is enough, you can inject water at the central point. Of course, many people are used to using timers for 30-40 seconds, so they can't cope with different beans and different freshness. Resulting in the possibility of steaming some defective smell out. Beginners can use timers temporarily, but it is recommended to observe the powder layer for a long time.

If you steam quickly with a large current, no bubbles will emerge. If you use fine water flow, but the circle is irregular, the water flow is intermittent, and there will be no bubbles coming out.


Hand-brewed coffee stage 2: disperse the powder layer formed by stuffy steaming

A total of six concentric circles are needed at this stage. After the smallest flow of water is injected into the center point by hand for 2 seconds, the concentric circle is around the first circle, and then each concentric circle is enlarged 1 turn accordingly. To the fifth concentric circle, about 12.5px away from the wall of the filter cup, all powder layers will be wet to water and washed away. Then, go back to the fourth concentric circle. The third stage will explain in detail how to circle the third lap.

After circling 6 concentric circles, the electronic claim will show that the amount of water is about 70-80 grams (including 31.8 grams of water used for steaming). If it exceeds 80 grams, the flow is too large, and you must practice the smallest flow and circle it. Use this thin water to slowly circle and disperse the powder layer formed by steaming, and all the powder is wet to the water, determining the direction of the taste. The first feeling of drinking coffee is that the taste is distributed to the whole mouth, and every taste bud can feel the coffee, which can improve the cleanliness and sweetness.) This stage of the flow requirements is the lowest, even if you break the flow does not affect the taste, as long as it can be wet to all the powder. If the filter paper is washed on the filter paper during the circle at this stage, the water on the filter paper will be absorbed by the powder layer, because when the fine water flows around, the water absorption rate of the powder layer is slow and the water in the powder layer is not saturated.

On the contrary, hand flushing is popular in China. The water is also injected at the central point, but the flood flows around 2-3 times, and the water in the powder layer is saturated. The large current has a great impact on the powder layer, and many people do not dare to go to the extreme edge, so they can only circle around the center point and the middle part of the filter cup wall. the large water flow will quickly push up the powder layer, and some of the steaming powder layer on the far side will be relatively dry relative to the central point, resulting in insufficient extraction. (taste trend: the first taste of drinking coffee is included in, and the coffee liquid flows directly down to the throat, resulting in a strong taste and easy to have raw and mixed smell.)

You can compare and feel the difference in the direction of the taste.


Hand coffee stage 3: concentric circle water injection in the third lap

The third concentric circle is the middle part between the center point of the filter cup and the filter cup wall, which just avoids the outlet hole at the bottom of the filter cup.

After the smoldering powder layer is washed away and wound inward to the third concentric circle, the flow increases to 150% of the previous smallest flow. You will see that the following powder will keep arching up, indicating that the stirring is strong, and then inject water slowly around the third circle (note that it is a slow circle), which can reach 148.6 grams after about 4-5 times, when the water is cut off. at this time, the color of the second circle and the center point of the powder layer is darker than other places, and you can clearly feel the position of the third circle.

The biggest feature of the third stage: after increasing the current, there must be a rush of powder. If not, please increase the current.

This forms an air channel and a powder layer wall, which facilitates the entry of air and allows the previously extracted coffee liquid to flow down through gravity, and the powder layer wall can seal off the miscellaneous smell and highlight cleanliness. If around the second circle and the central point, there is an air channel, but there is no powder layer wall, around the central point, gravity will make some miscellaneous smell flow down, the powder layer is also messy, of course, it is not clean. If you only circle the third concentric circle at this time, avoiding the outlet hole at the bottom of the filter cup, and the coffee powder forms a powder layer wall along the third concentric circle, sealing off the miscellaneous smell, you will feel that the taste is very clear or clean.


Hand-brewed coffee stage 4: 150% of the smallest flow before the flow is maintained, and only inject water in the third concentric circle.

After 148.6 grams of water is cut off, the water level of the powder layer will drop. When the bottom is almost reached, the position of the filter cup handle corresponding to the third concentric circle is used as the water injection point, the flow keeps 150% of the previous smallest flow, circle slowly, and only inject water in the third concentric circle. Generally speaking, around 3-4 times can reach 212.25 grams, stop water injection, extraction end.

If there are no baking defects or raw bean defects in Kenya, remove the filter cup when it is almost finished. If there are defects or gas beans, after the injection of water, that is, remove the filter cup, this is the correction extraction.