Coffee review

How to make the standard requirement ESPRESSO? How to make espresso extract

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The term espresso (Espresso) refers to coffee made in a special way. There are three meanings: first, when making coffee, hot water is driven by high pressure to filter the surprise ground coffee powder, and finally extract the thick, rich espresso. In Italian, the word Espress means fast, because this kind of coffee only takes time to make.

The term "Italian espresso (Espresso)" refers to coffee made in a special way. There are three meanings:

First, when making coffee, hot water is driven by high pressure to filter the surprise ground coffee powder, and finally extract the thick, rich standard espresso. In Italian, the word "Espress" means "fast" because the coffee takes only 25-30 seconds to make.

Second, every cup of coffee is made on demand, and the amount of coffee made at a time is only for one person.

Third, the meaning of doing it on request,

When drinking standard espresso, people are always waiting for the coffee to be finished, rather than the barista making the coffee in advance for customers to drink, so every cup of coffee is fresh and delicious.

Standard espresso consists of three parts:

1. Coffee oil

The process of making espresso in Italy can extract more coffee substances than other brewing methods, so the oil in the coffee is released under pressure, and the released creamy oil is called "coffee oil" (Crema). Coffee oil can make the taste and aroma of coffee more lasting.

two。 Suspended solids

You will find very small suspensions and bubbles in espresso, which can increase the mellowness of the coffee and prevent it from being too bitter.

3. Coffee

All the substances in coffee that can be dissolved by water are contained in coffee. You need to drink the coffee within 30 seconds of the coffee making to prevent the coffee oil from gradually disappearing.

Tip: in the annual World Barista WBC barista competition, the requirement for making four standard espresso cups is the most basic!
