Coffee review

What are the advantages and taboos of drinking coffee in the morning?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I think drinking coffee in the morning has become the current habit of many new people. What are the benefits and taboos of drinking coffee in the morning? It has been scientifically proved that coffee promotes digestion and relieves constipation. If you drink a cup of coffee after breakfast every morning, it can relieve constipation. Drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast can not only refresh your mind, but also face the day's work in a more positive state.

I think drinking coffee in the morning has become the current habit of many new people. What are the benefits and taboos of drinking coffee in the morning? It has been scientifically proved that coffee promotes digestion and relieves constipation. Drinking a cup of coffee after breakfast every morning can relieve constipation. Drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast can not only refresh the mind, face the day's work in a more positive state, but also help to promote defecation. Some people who are used to drinking coffee in the morning even find that they have poor defecation if they don't drink coffee for breakfast. Why did this happen?

A bottle of Roebuck latte contains an average of 25 milligrams of caffeine. Caffeine is a typical irritant, which can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, produce laxative effect and improve constipation. What is interesting is that drinking coffee in the morning has a particularly significant laxative effect compared with afternoon and evening. Dr. Diana Marks, an American nursing expert, pointed out that a large amount of caffeine and acidic oils in coffee can enhance the contractile function of digestive tract muscles, which in turn accelerate intestinal defecation. In general, it is best to choose coffee with less coffee such as latte for breakfast. Excessive caffeine intake in the morning may increase the risk of diarrhea.

Although coffee has a diuretic effect, it is not a good way to solve constipation. On the contrary, coffee will increase the loss of water in the body, but will aggravate constipation. Experts suggest that you should not drink too much coffee. Drinking 1 mi 2 cups of coffee in the morning will help to refresh and defecate.

Special reminder: a cup of coffee in the morning promotes digestion and relieves constipation, but it will only be effective if you drink coffee frequently, and pay attention to a healthy diet, otherwise you won't be able to treat constipation.