Coffee review

Do you need three mouthfuls of coffee? Campus Cafe of three Literary Italians

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The coffee in front of you is undrinkable. Yesterday, 31-year-old Ricardo told the Chongqing Evening News that the correct way to drink espresso was to drink three mouthfuls of espresso within three minutes on the table, and now it is broken. Ricardo curled his lips and shrugged his shoulders, like the frustration of being damaged by a beloved object. The reporter hurriedly changed the subject, saying that he looked a lot like Diamandi, who played football in Italy to Evergrande. Ricardo is black.

"you can't drink the coffee in front of you." Yesterday, 31-year-old Ricardo told the Chongqing Evening News, "the correct way to drink espresso is to drink three mouthfuls of espresso in three minutes, and now it is broken." Ricardo curled his lips and shrugged his shoulders, like the frustration of being damaged by a beloved object. The reporter hurriedly changed the subject, saying that he looked a lot like Diamandi, who played football in Italy to Evergrande. Ricardo's eyes laughed into a line behind his black-rimmed glasses: "in my spare time, I will go to the major playground to play football. Many people really call me Diamandi!" I like him, too. "

Ricardo only came to Chongqing in October this year and, together with two other Italians with the same literary temperament, opened a pure Italian cafe on the campus of District An of Chongqing University.

Where everyone is good.

Ricardo told reporters that at first he was a chef in a restaurant in Rome, Italy, and gradually fell in love with cooking coffee at work. "Italian coffee is an art, such as the choice of raw materials, the mixing proportion of each kind of beans, the production process and exquisite." the influence of weather and humidity. Everything fascinates me. " Slowly he began to study coffee and gradually became an expert. In September this year, an Italian coffee shop contacted him and asked him if he would like to go to Chongqing. Ricardo said yes.

Ricardo is divorced and has a 4-year-old son. He told his son that he wanted to go for a change and go to a place where everyone was nice to make coffee for them. When he came home a year later, "my son understands me very well. We miss each other every day."

I want to add plum wine to coffee.

Light blue pupils, clean eyes, high straight nose. Edo, 29, stood in front of the coffee machine in a light blue shirt, khaki trousers and a dark brown apron, making coffee carefully. Edo majored in architectural design and mapping, loved coffee and mixed wine. Edo became friends with him at the restaurant where Ricardo worked. "he asked me to come here. I think I'll go." He is a man of trust and will not do anything meaningless. "

Edo said that I heard that Chongqing liquor and plum wine were very famous and specially tried them. "both kinds of wine are very fierce, but I drink well and I don't get drunk. I like the taste of plum wine very much." I'd like to try to add it to the coffee. It might be a surprise. " 'you can put wine in Italian coffee, such as SAMBUCA and GRAPPA, 'Mr. Edo said.

Fall in love with Chongqing at the right rhythm

A foreign beauty with big eyes and long hair, tall and slim, wrote down three words one stroke at a time-Julia, and told reporters in Chinese that this was her Chinese name. Julia, 24, from Calabria, the southernmost part of Italy, majored in Chinese and Chinese culture at university. after graduation, she worked in China, went to Shanghai and Chengdu, and finally came to Chongqing and decided to stay in this coffee shop.

"Shanghai-fast, fast, Chengdu-slow, my boyfriend and I think Chongqing is just right, neither fast nor slow, we both like it very much." Julia, who met her boyfriend when she was 15, smiled and pointed to three rectangular steel lights side by side in the coffee shop and said, "he's a designer. That's what he designed for us. What do you think?"

Julia's love of coffee is no less than that of the previous two handsome guys. "I wake up every morning with two cups of espresso, one sip at a time, and I may have to drink five or six cups at the end of the day." Fancy coffee with milk? Never, in Italy, only very young children drink lattes with milk. "

Authentic Italian coffee

You may not know these fastidious things.

What kind of things? A thick layer of grease foam is the essence of Edo said that Italian coffee is Espresso. "an ounce of deep-roasted high-quality coffee beans (such as Jamaican, Ethiopian and Brazilian coffee beans) are ground into coffee powder. After 9 atmospheres and hot water at about 92 degrees Celsius, 30 milliliters of strong coffee liquid is extracted rapidly in 30 seconds before it can be called Espresso." Edo says the success of an Espresso depends on whether there is a thick layer of grease foam floating on the surface. "it can be said that the essence of Espresso is coffee oil."

Why should different beans be put together? Edo explained that there are more or less defects in the flavor of most coffee, such as a single flavor is not special enough, not strong enough, or a certain flavor is too strong. In order to make up for these deficiencies, several kinds of coffee beans with different characteristics have to be put together to create a harmonious and deep flavor, that is, Italian coffee beans.

There are also differences in production methods, such as sun-tanned coffee beans are more mellow, water-washed beans are more sweet. The new beans of 1-2 years have lively acidity and taste, while the old beans are steady and thick.

How do you drink it? Drink three mouthfuls in three minutes

Ricardo said that more than 90 percent of people in Italy prefer espresso rather than various types of espresso, or American coffee with too much water and too little American coffee. "the rich Espresso will continue to acidify when exposed to air and must be served to the guests within a minute and a half after production. Guests should finish it in three minutes, preferably with only three sips. Only in this way can we fully feel its strong and mellow aroma. "

What do you do? extraction in 30 seconds prime time

Julia said that every Italian family has a coffee maker and can make their own coffee. "to cook Espresso, you need to know the golden rule-extract 25-30 milliliters of coffee before 25-30 seconds. If you want to drink the best Espresso, the golden moment is the first 21 seconds. " Julia said that the coffee cup should be ironed before picking it up. "Let the coffee cup have some temperature, and the coffee taste can be better maintained."

You need a coffee maker and prepared Italian beans to make your own espresso at home. Coffee machine is divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic, beginners had better choose fully automatic, simpler and cheaper.

Grinding. The veteran can grind the beans by himself, not thick but fine. Too coarse will make the water pass too fast, the coffee beans will not be soaked enough, and the coffee will be thin and light; too fine will make the water pass through too slowly, soak too much, and the coffee will taste too bitter. "the degree of thickness is indescribable. We can only rely on experience, and our strength should be neither heavy nor light. It may be difficult for beginners to choose ground espresso powder. "

Cooking. Put 1 ounce of coffee powder into the coffee machine and press the cooking button. The coffee will be picked up 30 seconds later, when the coffee in the cup weighs about 1.5 ounces. In addition to looking at the time, you can also look at the coffee foam. The golden foam with moderate depth is better. Stop cooking before the foam turns white.

Yang Junjie, referee of the 2013 China barista contest, said it is best not to drink Espresso on an empty stomach, and some stores serve espresso with snacks such as cookies or chocolates. In addition, do not drink many cups of espresso at a time because of the small amount of espresso. People who do not drink coffee often drink more than 3 servings, and are prone to hyperactivity such as a rapid heartbeat.