Coffee review

Graded coffee beans give coffee beans a second life.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Coffee is a kind of pure to black liquid. In its small world, there is no concept of turbid chaos, there is no gray area that people often talk about, it is simple but pure black, the contradiction is not obvious, and contains hidden and great power. Hierarchical coffee beans in ancient times, the hierarchical system was distinct, although with the development of society and the take-off of economy, this hierarchical system has been slow.

Coffee is a kind of pure to black liquid. In its small world, there is no concept of turbid chaos, there is no gray area that people often talk about, it is simple but pure black, the contradiction is not obvious, and contains hidden and great power.

Well-graded coffee beans

In ancient times, the hierarchical system was distinct, although with the development of society and the take-off of economy, this hierarchical system has gradually disappeared in people's minds, but in the world of coffee beans, experienced coffee connoisseur Liang Chaoxiong is roughly divided into three types according to categories: Arabica, Lobusta, and Liberia.

Arabica is a typical "alpine flower", belonging to highland coffee, and most of the fine coffee comes from this type, such as Blue Mountain Coffee. Due to the higher the altitude and the lower the relative temperature, the fruit of the coffee can be fully ripe and the beans can expand quite well. In the kingdom of coffee, Highland Coffee has an unshakable position for other kinds of coffee beans. And Arabica has appeared for the longest time in human history, and it is the earliest coffee introduced from the Arab world to the western world. But it has a fatal weakness, that is, its disease resistance is quite low. Arabica coffee was nearly wiped out in Sri Lanka because of a coffee leaf rust.

Among the kinds of coffee, Lobusta is the most resistant to disease. Therefore, its output is very high, the market covers an area of 60 to 70% of the total output of coffee beans, and it is high in caffeine. Instant coffee and canned coffee are often used. And the least popular is Liberia. The flavor is not as good as Arabica, and there is a lack of money to grow it, which is only used in communication or research in the coffee industry.

Give coffee beans a second life.

For connoisseurs, the taste of coffee probably comes from raw beans and 20% from roasting, so roasting can be said to give coffee beans a second life. All coffee tastes bitter and sour. Generally speaking, the lighter the degree of roasting, the stronger the sour taste of coffee. The deeper the baking degree, the stronger the bitterness. Deep roasting is suitable for coffee with strong sour taste. Light roasting is suitable for bitter coffee, which can release the sour taste, ease the excessive bitterness and balance the taste.

It can be said that roasting is very important for coffee beans. Experienced bakers will pay attention to the changes in temperature, color, sound, aroma, shape and luster of beans to determine what method of baking should be used. If the roasting technology is not in place, even the best coffee beans are useless.