Coffee review

Be on guard against the health risks of those who drink

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, People are very concerned about how to eat healthily, but they don't realize that drinking incorrectly is also very harmful. The Daily Mail pointed out that drinking coffee, fruit juices, soups and other drinks incorrectly will leave a lot of health risks. Combined with foreign research, Sheng Jun interviewed a number of domestic authoritative experts and summed up the knowledge that Chinese people need to drink. Soup salt is prone to high blood pressure. Soups can not only take into account the taste

People are very concerned about how to eat healthily, but they don't realize that drinking incorrectly is also very harmful. The Daily Mail pointed out that drinking coffee, fruit juices, soups and other drinks incorrectly will leave a lot of health risks. In combination with foreign research, Sheng Jun interviewed a number of domestic authoritative experts and summed up the "drinking knowledge" that Chinese people need to supplement.


Soup salt is prone to high blood pressure. Soup can not only take into account the taste and nutrition, but also more suitable for the elderly with poor masticatory function and gastrointestinal function. But there is a lot of knowledge about eating soup. Li Huiming, a professor of nutrition at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, said that making soup for too long will lead to an increase in purine content, which can easily lead to high uric acid, and drinking too much may hurt the kidney. The suitable time for making soup should be 1-1.5 hours. Drinking soup after meals can easily lead to overnutrition, so you should drink soup before meals to promote elimination.

Peng Jing, director of the Nutrition Department of the School of Tourism and Cooking at Yangzhou University, warned that different groups of people should focus on drinking soup. For example, gout patients are not suitable to drink more broth, fish soup and seafood soup with high purine content. Eating out is best to eat less soup, restaurant soup generally salt, chicken powder, monosodium glutamate put more, easy to lead to high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

Drinking too much milk has a high risk of getting sick. Milk is regarded as the best natural calcium supplement, and its protein contains eight kinds of amino acids which are essential to the human body but can not be synthesized by itself. Fan Zhihong, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering at China Agricultural University, pointed out that drinking large amounts of milk for a long time can lead to nutritional imbalance and may increase the risk of prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and cataracts to some extent. However, if each person drinks 200 to 300 milliliters of milk (1 or 2 cups) a day, there is no need to worry about this risk at all. In addition, drink milk do not ask for fragrance, because it may add flavor, milk powder, thickener, will affect nutritional absorption, leading to diarrhea.

Xu Yun, chief physician of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of the Beijing Center for Disease Control, also pointed out that drinking milk before going to bed will increase the digestive burden, and it is best to drink it 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. If you think the milk is too fishy, you can season it with sugar and honey, but not too much. Avoid eating too many calories.


Too strong tea may lead to heart palpitations. China has a long tea health culture, but improper drinking of tea can lead to many problems. "you should pay attention to the concentration and temperature when drinking tea." Professor Yang Li of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese Medicine said that first of all, strong tea contains a lot of caffeine, and excessive intake will cause rapid heartbeat, chest tightness, palpitations and other discomfort. Secondly, drinking too cold tea will make people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold diarrhea, drinking too hot tea is very easy to damage the esophagus and gastric mucosa.

Therefore, Yang Li suggested that drinking tea should be light, which can not only dilute the blood and prevent thrombosis, but also detoxify and anti-aging effect. Jiang Heyuan, an associate researcher at the Tea Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, also pointed out that it is wrong to drink one kind of tea all the year round, and drinking tea varies from person to person. It is easy to get angry in spring and summer, you can drink more cool green tea, but don't drink it on an empty stomach, otherwise it will stimulate the intestines and stomach; autumn is suitable for drinking green tea, which is peaceful, not cold and lukewarm, and refreshing; if it is cold in winter, drink more warm black tea, which can generate heat and warm your stomach.

Carbonated drinks lose bone calcium. Apart from the cool taste, carbonated drinks are not good for your health and are even rated as the "most unhealthy drink" by American experts. Wang Xingguo, director of the nutrition department of Dalian Central Hospital, said that carbonated drinks can induce obesity, and phosphoric acid will reduce the absorption and utilization of calcium, iron and other trace elements, leading to bone calcium loss. Sun Xiaoju, executive director of the Liaoning Stomatological Association, pointed out that phosphoric acid is also corrosive to teeth, increasing the risk of tooth decay and oral diseases.

In addition, many studies at home and abroad have confirmed that many carbonated drinks contain high fructose syrup, generally high in calories, and are prone to diabetes and kidney disease after drinking for a long time. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, you'd better stay away from carbonated drinks.

Drinking too much coffee has a high abortion rate. Hu Dayi, a famous cardiovascular expert in China, once pointed out that proper drinking coffee has a stronger protective effect on the heart than drinking wine. However, drinking the wrong coffee can also cause health problems. Li Weimin, vice president of the first affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, said that excessive drinking can cause the heart to beat violently, even in a trance. A US study also found that women who drank more than two cups of coffee a day were twice as likely to have a miscarriage.

Li Weimin suggests that coffee should not exceed 2 cups a day, and it is best to drink it after brunch to reduce gastrointestinal irritation and not to drink after dinner so as not to affect sleep. In addition, the "three-in-one instant coffee" that people often drink may contain trans fatty acids, which can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It is best to drink freshly ground coffee with coffee beans, 2 coffee with 3 cups of coffee with 1 cup of whole milk, no sugar.

"artificial fruit juice" harms intelligence. Pure fruit juice contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, but you have to drink it right before it can really be absorbed by the human body. Fan Zhihong said that during fruit juicing, insoluble dietary fiber is filtered out, and the lack of fiber in food that can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine may increase the risk of colorectal and rectal cancer. Therefore, if you can eat fruit, you'd better not drink fruit juice. What needs to be vigilant in particular is that many fruit juice drinks on the market are "artificial fruit juices" made of sugar, spices, artificial colors and so on. Researchers in the United States and Britain have found that this kind of fruit juice drinks will not only damage enamel, cause tooth decay, tooth sensitivity and other problems, but also easily lead to overweight and increase the risk of diabetes, and the artificial pigments may even affect children's intellectual development. Be sure to drink less.

Sun Mengli, director of the second Department of the Nutrition Department of the first Hospital of Peking University, said that fruit juice is too high in calories, and people with obesity and high blood pressure should not drink it, so they should mainly use plain boiled water. People with diabetes had better eat fruit directly to prevent their blood sugar from rising too fast.

Alcohol can drink 60 kinds of diseases. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 60 diseases are caused by unhealthy drinking. Drinking too much alcohol, the liver "the most hurt", a drunkenness is equivalent to a hepatitis. Professor Jia Jidong, chairman of the Hepatology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, pointed out that consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time can cause acute alcoholism, which in the long run can easily lead to alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis, and even liver cirrhosis. In addition, heavy drinking can easily lead to metabolic diseases such as hyperuricemia and hyperlipidemia, which will burn the digestive tract mucosa and destroy the reproductive system.

Experts suggest that it is best to choose low alcohol, and drink up to 2 taels, moderate alcohol up to 1 2, strong liquor can not exceed 25 ml. Wine should be controlled within 5 taels, and it is best to drink only one bottle of beer a day. You should eat some staple food before drinking. If you feel uncomfortable, you can drink some honey water or fruit and vegetable juice, or urge vomiting. In addition, studies have shown that people who drink mixed alcohol have a 6 to 10 times higher risk of developing liver cancer than those who drink one kind of alcohol or do not drink it.

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Beware of ten bad habits of drinking water

Water looks clear and clean, but there are also microbes and harmful substances hidden. Whether you drink bottled water, bottled water or boiled water, try to avoid the following ten bad habits.

Bad habit one: never wash the drinking fountain. Bottled water and drinking fountains have become very common at home, at work and in public places. Have you ever thought that the drinking fountain you use has never been "bathed" since it was placed there? The drinking machine seems to make people drink good quality water, but in fact, the "secondary pollution" is very serious. Whenever you turn on the tap of the water cooler, you hear the sound of "Gollum" and a string of air bubbles come out of the bucket, that is, when air enters, dust and microbes will be brought in. According to the test data of the national environmental health monitoring department, the hot and cold water gallbladder in the barreled drinking fountain will multiply a large number of bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, staphylococci, etc., without washing for 3 months. Therefore, it is best to clean once a month and once every two weeks in summer. The drinking fountain in the office has to be cleaned more frequently because of its frequent use.

Bad habit 2: drink tap water as soon as it boils. It's a good habit for Chinese to drink plain boiled water, but do you know? You can't drink water as soon as it boils. Because our tap water is chlorinated and disinfected, in which chlorine combines with the residual organic matter in the water to produce halogenated hydrocarbons, chloroform and other carcinogenic compounds. Jiang Microwave, a professor at the School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, China Agricultural University

When boiling water, you might as well take three steps: first, pick up the tap water and leave it for a while before boiling; when the water is about to boil, open the lid of the kettle; finally, wait 3 minutes after the water is boiled, and then turn off the fire, so that the chlorine content in the water can be reduced to the standard of safe drinking. It's really "boiled water".

Bad habit 3: like to drink bottled water. Easy to carry, open the lid and drink, and in China, bottled water consumption is increasing at a rate of 30% a year. Dong Jinshi, executive vice president of the International Food Packaging Association, pointed out that polyester bottles used in bottled water often contain substances that may cause chronic poisoning, especially when the bottles are in a high temperature environment or are not drunk in time after opening, harmful substances will seep into the water and endanger health. Therefore, bottled water must not be heated or exposed to the sun. "A lot of people like to put a box of water in their car, which is wrong. Especially in summer, the temperature in the trunk is very high, so it is easy to let harmful substances into the water. " Dong Jinshi suggested that the best way is to buy a good quality kettle to bring its own water, which is safe and environmentally friendly.

Bad habit 4: drink a thousand boiled water. "now more and more families use electric kettles, and many people can't finish the water they boil at once, and boil it again and again after a while. You'd better not drink this kind of boiling water. " Zhao Feihong said: boil the water and drink it as much as possible. Don't heat it again and again. Many people worry about whether the water in the drinking fountain is boiling water. Due to material restrictions, the highest temperature of the water in the drinking fountain is generally about 90 degrees Celsius, which is not boiling. "however, the best drinking time for bottled water is 115 days after leaving the factory. Once more than 15 days, there are too many bacteria in the water and it is no longer suitable for drinking."

Bad habit 5: don't drink water until you are thirsty. According to a domestic survey, 70% of people drink water only when they are thirsty. Do not realize that when you feel thirsty, your body has lost at least 1% of the water. Drinking water is not to understand thirst, but to let it participate in metabolism and be absorbed by the human body. lack of water for a long time will increase the viscosity of blood and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, the less you pay attention to drinking water, the lower your desire to drink water, and the more "dry" people will become. Therefore, no matter whether you are thirsty or not, you should replenish water in time. When you go out, take a bottle of water in your hand and take a sip at any time; put a few more water cups in the office or at home, make use of all available space and drink whenever you have a chance.

Bad habit # 6: drink less than 6 glasses of water a day. Workers often neglect to drink water because of their work. If this goes on, the bladder and kidneys will be damaged. The Dietary guidelines for Chinese residents recommend that adults with light physical activity living in mild climates should drink at least 1200 milliliters of water a day, or about 6 cups. If you have a large amount of activity and sweat a lot, you should increase the amount of water to drink and replenish water in time. Some people may ask, it has always been said to drink no less than 2000 milliliters of water a day, that is, 8 cups of water, why is there only 1200 milliliters now? In fact, 2000 milliliters refers to the total amount of water that people need in a day. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, even staple food and meat. A large part of the water needed by the human body comes from food. Six cups is the minimum, and some people need to drink more. For example, irritable people can drink more water to ease the mood, obese people can drink more water to maintain their weight, and replenish water in time after exercise and after taking a bath.

Bad habit 7: do not drink water according to the physique, drink instead of water. "the boiled water is tasteless. You'd better have a drink." Many children do not leave their hands on cola and fruit-flavored drinks every day, and replacing water with drinks is tantamount to spending money on diseases. "it not only fails to replenish water to the body, but also reduces appetite and affects digestion and absorption." Zhao Feihong said. If you must drink tasty water, you should also improve it according to your own physique. For example, people with constipation can drink honey water or fruit and vegetable juice, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, while people with cold stomach should drink less cold green tea, herbal tea and fruit juice, and drink more stomach-warming black tea and ginger syrup.

Bad habit 8: if you don't drink water in the morning, you will regret it when you grow old. The first glass of water in the morning is a real life-saving water, and the middle-aged and elderly should pay more attention to it. After a night of metabolism, all the rubbish in the body needs to be washed. Drinking a glass of water can reduce blood viscosity and increase circulating blood volume. There are three best choices for this glass of water in the morning: the first is clear water, both boiled water and mineral water, which can reduce the blood viscosity of the human body; the second is lemonade, which can boost your appetite in the morning; and the third is light salt water, which is very beneficial to people with constipation.

Bad habit # 9: don't replenish water immediately if you eat salty. Eating too salty can lead to high blood pressure, reduced saliva secretion, oral mucosal edema and so on. If you eat salty, the first thing to do is to drink plenty of water, preferably pure water and lemonade, and try not to drink sugary drinks and yogurt, because too much sugar can also aggravate thirst. Light soybean milk is also a good choice, of which more than 90% is water, but also contains more potassium, can promote the excretion of sodium, and taste relatively sweet.

Bad habit # 10: don't drink water before going to bed. Don't drink too much water before going to bed, but you can take two sips, especially for the elderly. When a person sleeps soundly, due to the loss of water in the body, the moisture in the blood decreases, and the blood viscosity becomes higher. Drinking some water properly before going to bed can reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of cerebral thrombosis. In addition, in the dry autumn and winter season, water can also moisten the respiratory tract and help people fall asleep better.