Coffee review

Specialty coffee is essentially fair trade, not futures.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is essentially a fair trade, not as a futures. For example, in May 2006, the Manor La Esmelada Geisha coffee, the Panamanian coffee set $50.25 per pound recorded at online auction (the award-winning coffee retails for more than $100 a pound). But Panama is only a coffee-growing country. Not only in third World countries but also in developed countries such as the University of Australia


Coffee is essentially a fair trade, not as a futures. For example, in May 2006, the coffee from the Manor La Esmelada Geisha set $50.25 per pound in Panama to be recorded at an online auction (the award-winning coffee retails for more than $100 a pound). But Panama is only a coffee-growing country. Industry "rules of the game" have also been established not only in third World countries but also in developed countries such as Australia and the United States (Hawaii).

Coffee beans

Many people imagine that coffee trees grow in large plantations similar to vineyards, where coffee is often used to make instant coffee, but professional coffee is often grown by indigenous people of the land on small farms. Compared with the planting characteristics of the plantation, these are the biodiversity of small farms. Farmers cultivate and self-sufficient land, they have to feed their families and their livestock, as well as grow coffee and other products, the coffee they grow is for sale.

This method is very beneficial to the quality of coffee and the sustainability of the land. Biodiversity on small farms attracts natural enemies to eat pests, so there is no need for chemicals. The soil is rich in nutrients because different plant species need different nutrients. Therefore, although most of the plants they grow do not need to be tested, their products are organic, so they are better for the human body.

Therefore, when you buy specialty coffee, you get organic, green, healthy products, you get delicious coffee is a moral voice.