Coffee review

Exploring the Secret of Coffee-making Technology in Coffee shops

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Fresh coffee beans 2, correct grinding 3, good water quality 4, proper water temperature 5, five tips for gently brewing coffee: 1 fresh coffee beans 2 correct grinding 3 good water quality 4 good water temperature 5 gentle brewing with little experience, it takes a lot of patience to achieve 4 or 5 o'clock, and the right water temperature requires many times to perceive the subtle reasons.


Fresh coffee beans

2, the correct grinding

3, good water quality

4, the right water temperature

5, gentle brewing

Five tips for brewing good coffee: 1 fresh coffee beans 2 correct grinding 3 good water quality 4 suitable water temperature 5 gentle brewing with a small number of experience It seems that it takes a lot of patience to achieve 4 or 5 points, and the right water temperature requires many "actual combat" to perceive subtle changes in coffee taste caused by temperature differences. And gentle brewing, pay attention to whether the heart is "true love" for coffee. hehe ~

During the brewing process, various components of coffee beans are dissolved in water and released into water, which is called "extraction". If you want to make a good cup of coffee, you must properly extract the fat and aroma substances in the coffee beans through the correct method to minimize caffeine and bitter ingredients.

Coffee beans have many ingredients, the most we know is the refreshing effect of caffeine, in addition to caffeine, there are many oils, minerals, acids and aromatic substances, etc., if the process of brewing coffee, there are very many of these substances dissolved into the water, we say that the extraction rate of this cup of coffee is very high, and vice versa.

We only want to extract the oils and aromas from the beans, not the caffeine and other bitter ingredients, so another definition of a good cup of coffee is "a cup of coffee that has been properly extracted from the beans."

Coffee extraction principle: good substances in coffee beans are dissolved faster by water, while caffeine and bitter substances we do not want will be dissolved slowly, so the correct brewing is to carefully control the coffee powder immersed in water in the process of time (at the same time with the grinding thickness), at the appropriate time to interrupt the extraction reaction, in order to get the best quality coffee.

Coffee beans must be fresh. Freshness is as important to food as air is to living things. The taste of food often depends on freshness. The fresher the ingredients, the more unique they are. For good coffee, the first requirement is fresh coffee beans. Good coffee must be ground a moment before brewing, because after grinding, the surface area of coffee powder is tens of thousands of times higher than that of the whole coffee bean (the adsorption of surrounding moisture, taste molecules, powder layers, etc. is stronger, and the flavor molecules in coffee interact with oxygen molecules in the air, causing the aroma and taste to disappear quickly), and the best preservation time is as short as a few minutes! Of all the brewing methods, espresso requires the highest freshness of coffee beans, only ten days, and only five minutes to grind.

The idea that must be promoted: a good bean grinder is more important than a good coffee machine! In the pursuit of good coffee on the road, a sufficient level of grinding machine absolutely necessary equipment. Different brewing methods and habits have their own suitable grinding degree, which is distinguished by brewing method. espresso is suitable for fine grinding, filter and stopper are suitable for medium grinding, and French pressure is suitable for coarse grinding. If the coffee powder is soaked in water for a long time, the longer the time, the coarser the grinding particles; the shorter the time, the finer the grinding particles. In order to extract the substances in coffee beans correctly, in addition to grinding coffee beans to different degrees of thickness, it is also important to make the particle size uniform. So to make good coffee, you have to have a grinder that grinds the beans evenly, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Suitable for brewing coffee water temperature between about 85-95℃, and brewing temperature depends on the degree of roasting coffee beans, the principle is: roast dark beans with lower temperature brewing; roast light beans with higher temperature. If you don't know which temperature to use, it is recommended to start at 90 ° C, which is suitable for most coffee beans. Then adjust the temperature according to their preferences.

Cook gently. Brewing coffee is an interaction between water and coffee beans, and the action of extraction should be done by water, not by the strength of the brewer! The only thing the brewer has to do is to let each coffee particle be evenly surrounded by water. The rest of the work is left to the water to complete! Here's the tip: cook gently. Whether it's stirring in a corkscrew or flushing in a colander, do the brewing process gently with a lover's attitude. In other words, whatever you do, do it gently: gently stir, gently fill. In short, if you can brew with the mood of "wanting to brew a good cup of coffee", the whole process will naturally be very stable and gentle.

The importance of coffee bean grind uniformity. Only when the ground coffee powder particles are uniform in size can there be a consistent extraction rate and can the brewing process be reduced to a minimum in terms of coffee beans. The ideal grinder must meet three conditions: uniform grinding, rapid and cold. A good grinder is definitely the right investment, it can make you brew coffee quality greatly improved.