Coffee review

There are two main types of coffee that are most widely grown in the world today.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Today, there are two main types of coffee grown most widely in the world: Arabica beans (Coffee Arabica) and Robota beans (Coffee Robusta). Arabica Arabica Robusta Robusta is mainly produced in tropical Central and South America, accounting for 3/4 of the world's output. It is produced in Madagascar in central, western and eastern Africa, and Indonesia in Asia.

There are two main types of coffee grown most widely in the world today: Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta.



It is mostly produced in tropical Central and South America, accounting for three-quarters of the world's production.

Madagascar in west-central and eastern Africa, Indonesia in Asia, accounting for about a quarter of world production

Planted on high mountain slopes at altitudes of 900-2000 meters, growing in areas of 15-20°C

Planted on high mountain slopes 200-600 meters above sea level

Requires high manual intensity care

By contrast, it doesn't take much manpower

The taste is richer

taste poorer, bitter

Shade trees must be planted in low latitudes with poor disease tolerance and temperature of 15~20

Shade is strong, and the harvest is the most among the three original seeds.

high price

low price

Bean shape is smaller, the front is long oval, the middle crack is narrow and tortuous, the arc shape of the back of the bean is relatively flat

Bean-shaped larger, the front gradually rounded, the back was round convex crack straight, a bit like coix seed