Coffee review

Coffee Origin Formula: coffee Cafe Royale

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee Origin Formula: Noble Coffee name: Caf Royale Origin: (USA, France) Materials: slightly deeply cultivated coffee 150cc; Brandy 20cc; Lemon peel a little; Orange peel a little; cube sugar 1; Coffee should be operated with a luxury spoon: blanch brandy (alcohol content above 37 degrees) in advance. Pour coffee into the cup, add lemon peel and orange peel. The luxury key holder is on the edge of the cup.

Coffee origin formula: Noble coffee

Name: caf é Royale

Origin: (United States, France)


Slightly deep-baked coffee 150cc; brandy 20cc; lemon peel; orange peel; cube sugar 1; deluxe spoon should be used


Iron the brandy (alcohol degree above 37 degrees) in advance. Pour coffee into the cup, add lemon peel and orange peel. The luxurious spoon holder is on the rim of the cup, the teaspoon is filled with a cube of sugar, and the brandy is poured over the cube sugar and set on fire.

When the light blue flame is extinguished, mix the sugar dissolved in the spoon with brandy juice and serve in the coffee. After French soju coffee spread to the United States, it was simplified by Americans.