Coffee review

Where does coffee come from? How did coffee get into people's lives?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, When we enjoy coffee, do we ever imagine where coffee comes from? If you think about it, you will find that there are many stories in it. Coffee may have been an expensive product before, so many people have not experienced the special aroma of coffee, but now coffee has entered every city and every store, such as

When we enjoy coffee, do we ever imagine where coffee comes from? If you think about it, you will find that there are many stories in it.

Coffee may have been a relatively expensive product before, so many people have not experienced the special aroma of coffee, but now coffee has entered every city and every store, and people in need can buy it if they spend some money. So coffee has slowly come into people's lives. Do we ever think about where coffee comes from when we enjoy the smell of coffee? If you think about it, you will find that there are many stories in it.

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In fact, coffee and many drinks were found inadvertently, and I didn't know there were so many suitors when I found it. Coffee, cocoa and Chinese tea are known as the three biggest drinks in the world, and you can imagine how many people take it every day. But you may not know that the first coffee tree was found in Africa, so Africa is the most primitive place of coffee. At that time, the local people did not know that this thing was called coffee. They smelled these coffee beans and thought they had a strange taste, and then ground them into powder. The taste is also very different from that of water.

In addition to the good taste and taste, they also found that the ground powder of the coffee beans had a refreshing effect after soaking in water, so every time the locals went out hunting or when there was a war, they would let everyone wear these. Every time I drink coffee when I am tired, I will feel energetic. In this way, it can significantly improve both combat effectiveness and perseverance. Coffee is also spread around the world because of this, and then more and more coffee trees, more and more people smell this fragrance and then slowly introduce it into life and work.