Coffee review

If you love, please love deeply, like tasting red wine, tasting coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee, like wine, has long been synonymous with tasting life and an intimate companion of elegant life. If you happen to be a wine taster, coffee tasting is a piece of cake for you! Tasting coffee is like tasting wine, as well as smelling, watching, tasting and summing up four songs. After the gradual and orderly progress of four songs, we not only taste coffee, but also enjoy a kind of

Coffee, like wine, has long been synonymous with tasting life and an intimate companion of elegant life. If you happen to be a wine taster, coffee tasting is a piece of cake for you! Tasting coffee is like tasting wine, as well as smelling, watching, tasting and summing up four songs. After four pieces of music step by step, the product is not only coffee, but also enjoy a taste of life.


The dense and mellow aroma of red wine, the deep fragrance of coffee and the elegant fragrance of green tea are fascinated and fascinated by Chinese people who are in pursuit of fashionable life. Red wine, coffee and milk tea seem to have become indispensable partners for the elegant and leisure life of fashionable white-collar workers. Wine tasting and coffee tasting are becoming more and more popular. Some people say that wine tasting is really fastidious, eye view, nose smell, mouth taste, ring are all art. As a matter of fact, isn't it wrong to taste coffee?

There are many kinds of coffee, such as Cuban coffee, Brazilian coffee, Colombian coffee and mocha coffee. Like all kinds of wines, each coffee has a different flavor depending on the origin, origin, vintage and blending process of the beans. In addition, the final flavor of coffee will vary slightly depending on individual taste methods. Some people drink up the same cup of coffee, while others choose to savor it carefully, from observing the color of the coffee, to smelling the strong aroma of the coffee, to tapping the sensitive taste buds. People who drink only taste the coffee, while those who taste it carefully can discover the richer taste of coffee.

In fact, the taste of coffee is not exactly the same as that of wine, but there are similarities and differences. Similar to the five steps of wine tasting, coffee tasting can be roughly divided into four steps: smell, color, taste and induction.

Step 1 of ●: smell incense


When brewing a cup of coffee, there is always a strong fragrance coming to the nostrils. Carefully enjoy the process of changing the pure fragrance from thick to light.

Step 2 of ●: watch the color


Different coffees have different colors. Pay attention to observe the color of coffee before tasting, which is an important clue to reveal the quality of coffee to you. Generally speaking, the best coffee is dark brown, rather than dark and bottomless.

Step 3 of ●: tasting


When tasting coffee, you should first suck, so that the coffee can fill the whole mouth, and the coffee in the mouth is sweet, slightly bitter, slightly sour and not astringent. Then take a sip and slowly taste it, activate the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, and slowly experience the various flavors of coffee, including acidity, mellow thickness, sweetness and astringency.


The degree to which the entrance of the coffee makes you drool indicates the acidity of the coffee. It is simply divided into high, medium and low.

Alcohol thickness

Refers to the weight of coffee liquid in the mouth. Imagine it with water, skim milk, and whole milk. It is simply divided into high, medium and low. You can also use fruit juice to imagine that mango juice is thick, apple juice is medium, lemon juice is light, again emphasize that the thickness of alcohol is not directly related to the final flavor.


Refers to the sweetening process of pure coffee, not the result of adding milk and sugar. Varying degrees can also be divided into slightly sweet (like juice), very sweet (like sugar).


Astringent taste

Refers to the feeling of dry hair at the entrance of the coffee liquid. It is simply divided into high, medium and low. Remember that coffee is the product of fruit, it is normal to have astringency, but the astringency should be balanced. When tasting carefully, let the taste buds fully feel the various flavors of the coffee, do not rush to swallow the coffee, should be contained in the mouth, let the coffee and saliva mix with the air, and then swallow.

Step 4 of ●: induction

Like the last step of wine tasting, the comprehensive results of the tasting need to be described in words and recorded if necessary, so that you can set up a database for the coffee tasting experience and constantly supplement it. You can also constantly improve your coffee tasting ability.

Tasting coffee is so simple, only need the above four steps, can enhance the coffee tasting experience, so that what you taste is no longer just coffee, but enjoy a relaxed, elegant and leisurely life atmosphere.
