Coffee review

The knack of distinguishing the freshness of coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Good coffee beans: neat shape, bright color, roasted by single stir-fry. After brewing and cooking, it is mellow and full of stamina. Bad coffee beans: different shapes and incomplete individuals. After cooking, it is light and fragrant, not sweet enough. The secret to the freshness of ◆ coffee beans: fresh coffee beans have a strong smell, otherwise tasteless or bad smell. Look at it: a good coffee bean has a complete shape.

Good coffee beans: neat shape, bright color, roasted by single stir-fry. After brewing and cooking, it is mellow and full of stamina.

Bad coffee beans: different shapes and incomplete individuals. After cooking, it is light and fragrant, not sweet enough.

The knack of distinguishing the freshness of ◆ coffee beans

Nose smell: fresh coffee beans smell strong fragrance, otherwise tasteless or bad smell.

Look at it: good coffee beans are complete in shape and full in size. On the contrary, the shape is incomplete.

Hand pressure: fresh coffee beans are fresh and crisp, and the fragrance comes out when they crack.

Color: dark black coffee beans, the coffee brewed has a bitter taste; yellow coffee beans, the coffee brewed has a sour taste.

Selection and purchase of ◆ coffee beans

How to judge the quality of beans from their appearance?

Can be from its color-whether glossy, uniform color without spots; smell its fragrance-whether fragrance is rich; oral test brittleness-- put into the mouth bite, whether crisp sound, good taste, and finally to see if the bean shape is full and has weight. Because you can't make mellow coffee without good coffee beans / powder. Secondly, we should pay attention to whether the packaging of coffee beans is intact. If there is air in the bag, it is very easy for coffee beans to absorb moisture due to contact with the air, affecting the quality of coffee beans.

1 judgment of appearance

Delicious coffee can be known from the shape of its roasted coffee beans, as shown in the picture. Of course, there can not be bad coffee beans mixed with, it should be noted that normal beans will also be mixed with high-quality coffee beans and cause hindrance, brewing delicious coffee fried roasted beans, first of all, the beans must be big and fat, and uniform, followed by the same size and no color spots. These are the main points of visual discrimination, if you look carefully, it should not be difficult to distinguish.

Fermented beans: coffee beans that fall from the soil before harvest. The sour smell will have a great impact on the taste of coffee.

Dead beans: also known as unripe beans, or affected by climate and other factors, imperfect development, fried spots will be produced after baking, so that the coffee has a green and astringent taste.

Black beans: fermented beans, rotten, blackened coffee beans. Because it is black, it can be distinguished from normal coffee beans at a glance.

Borer beans: coffee beans eroded by insects

Defective beans: may be stuck during work, or carelessly handled during handling, resulting in incomplete coffee beans. Will cause fried spots when baking, and will produce bitter and astringent taste.

Others: remaining thin-skinned beans, stunted beans, dried beans that do not completely produce sour taste, shell beans with only shell, etc.

2 judgment during grinding

After fully roasting and extracting water, the coffee can be brewed into delicious coffee, which can be judged by grinding. When grinding, good coffee beans will gently make the sound of salad salad, gently shake the hand, the original taste of coffee is overflowing. Shoddy coffee beans have a creaking sound. There is a feeling of sticking during grinding.

(3) the judgment at the time of stroke.

The easiest way to make delicious coffee is to sigh the filter paper. When brewing, there is also a way to judge whether the coffee is delicious, that is, whether the powder expands loosely in hot water, and when the coffee is fully roasted and extracted water, there will be beautiful and meticulous foam puffing up.

4 judgment after pawn

Although the concentration of coffee will change due to different roasting degree and extraction method, the characteristic of delicious coffee is that the coffee liquid extracted by the pawn is clear under the same conditions. The spoon can be clearly seen through the stroke fluid in the picture below, while the one in the stone picture is almost invisible. It is difficult to tell whether a cup of coffee is delicious, but if you compare it, you can see whether the coffee is delicious or not. even after 30 minutes, the color of a delicious cup of coffee is still clear and the taste will not change.

5 judging from the taste and flavor of coffee

The sour taste of delicious coffee is as refreshing as citrus fruit, without strong sour taste. Bitterness is a soft bitterness. There is no bitterness like cigarette or scorch.

6 judging from the quality of raw beans

The shape, grinding stage, stroke, post-stroke, taste and flavor stages have been discussed before, as the focus of judging whether the coffee is delicious or not, but these are all for completely roasted coffee beans. Raw beans are green before roasting, commonly known as [Green]. If the quality of raw beans is poor, no matter how hard you cook them, you will not be able to brew beautiful coffee. Raw beans are usually exported from the place of origin two months after harvest, and this year's crop is called New Crop. After a year, it's called Past Crop. After a longer period of time, it is called Old Crop. Coffee beans are crops, and their freshness will naturally affect their taste. Fresh raw beans can enjoy the distinct characteristics and vibrant flavor of each variety. Take rice as an example, if it is placed for a long time, its original flavor will be diluted with the loss of water. Fresh raw beans, showing a bright green color, can be easily distinguished. Except for freshness. No matter what kind of variety, we should also try to choose raw beans with large particles and no color spots.

You can add a little sugar and milk to pure black coffee, or you can add spices such as cinnamon to your coffee in European style, as in Africa and Arabia; if you are not used to the bitter taste of coffee, you can also add some juice you like to your coffee. However, drinking a cup of authentic black coffee can taste the rich flavor of the coffee itself and will be regarded as an expert in tasting coffee. No matter how you drink it, there are still some exquisite and knowledgeable people who taste coffee.

Step: a cup of coffee in front of you, do not rush to drink, should be like tea or wine tasting, there should be a step-by-step process to achieve relaxation, refreshing and enjoyment.

The first step is to smell the fragrance and taste the strong aroma of coffee.

The second step is to look at the color. The coffee had better be dark brown, not dark and bottomless.

The third step, taste, first drink a sip of black coffee, feel the taste of the original coffee, coffee entrance should be some sweet, slightly bitter, slightly sour not astringent. Then taste it in small mouthfuls, do not rush to swallow the coffee, but temporarily contain it in your mouth, let the coffee and saliva mix with the air, and then swallow it.

Temperature: the best temperature for drink coffee is 85-88 degrees Celsius. Because the texture of ordinary coffee is not stable, it is best to taste it while it is hot. In order not to reduce the taste of the coffee, soak the coffee cup in boiling water beforehand. The appropriate temperature for coffee is 83 degrees Celsius at the moment of brewing, 80 degrees Celsius when pouring into the cup, and 61-62 degrees into the mouth, which is the most ideal.

Generally speaking, tasting the coffee served by your host while it is hot is also the basic etiquette of drinking coffee. If a cup of high-quality coffee, after cooling, in addition to the aroma will be reduced, the taste performance is consistent with the hot, or even better.

Taste: coffee beans contain about 5-8% sugar, most of which are converted to caramel after baking, which is the source of aroma and bitterness, leaving a little sweetness in the unconverted sugar; tannin is released during baking and combines with caramel to produce a slightly bitter sweetness. Therefore, people's taste of coffee is generally bitter, sour, sweet, fragrant and astringent.

Moderate amount: drinking coffee is not like drinking or juice, a full cup of coffee, watching it will lose interest in drinking. Generally, it is only seven or eight minutes full for the right amount, moderate amount of coffee will not only stimulate the taste, after drinking it will not have a greasy feeling, but endless aftertaste. At the same time, the right amount of coffee can moderately promote the body to recover from fatigue and refresh the mind. Coffee has a strong and weak taste, so you can't drink several cups in a row like tea or cola, and the average amount of coffee is 80-100cc. Sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, you have to dilute the concentration of coffee, or add a lot of milk, so as not to cause nausea, and you might as well change more in the blending of sugar to make the coffee more delicious.

How would you like your coffee?

Coffee contains caffeine and more than 300 aromatic ingredients. Caffeine is an alkaloid that relaxes tension and repels drowsiness in small amounts, but if consumed in large amounts, it can be poisoned and cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Vitamin A can protect the mucous membrane, skin and stomach wall, drink coffee with some cheese, eggs, butter, carrots or green leafy vegetables, etc., you can supplement some vitamin A, so as not to endanger your health; if you drink with foods rich in fat, it can enhance the body's absorption of vitamin A. Therefore, it is scientific to drink coffee with foods rich in vitamin An and fat, such as walnuts or cream snacks.

In addition, sucrose contains ingredients that can make the pancreas tired, and brown sugar contains the least sucrose, so it is best to put brown sugar in coffee. In addition, brown sugar is also an alkaline food, which is beneficial to health.

When drinking coffee without sugar, you should put some milk or cream to protect the stomach wall from caffeine.