Coffee review

The color and smell of coffee represent the quality of coffee.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The color, aroma and taste of coffee are caused by some complex chemical changes that take place during the baking process.

Coffee's color, aroma, and taste are the result of complex chemical changes that occur through the roasting process. Therefore, raw beans must undergo appropriate chemical procedures to achieve the most balanced state of its essential ingredients in order to be considered the best baked beans. Coffee aroma changes with heat, so roast time should be as short as possible, and heat control can make coffee beans produce effective chemical composition of the minimum temperature, that is, the shortest process time and heat, so that coffee beans produce the most suitable composition ratio.


Aroma is the life of coffee quality, but also the best performance of coffee production process and roasting technology, production climate, elevation, variety, refining treatment, harvest, storage, consumer country roasting technology is appropriate, etc., are about coffee bean aroma conditions. The aroma of coffee was proved to be composed of hundreds of volatile components such as acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, sulfur compounds, phenols and nitrogen compounds. Roughly speaking, fat, protein, and sugar are important sources of aroma, while lipid components will blend with the bitterness and sourness of coffee to form a smooth taste. Therefore, the disappearance of aroma means that the quality is poor, and the relationship between aroma and quality is extremely close.

The basic taste of coffee is the bitterness and bitterness of the texture, raw beans contain only a very small amount of bitter ingredients, followed by roasting caused by sugar, part of the fiber caramelization and carbonization, to produce the most symbolic bitterness of coffee. Caffeine, one of the bitter components, is also an important substance that shows the pharmacological characteristics of coffee. The content varies according to its type, refinement, and roasting degree. If the roasting temperature is high, the content will decrease. Therefore, the lighter the roasting, the stronger the pharmacological effect of caffeine, and the weaker the roasting. Generally speaking, stronger coffee, bitter will be weaker, and bitter coffee as the main body, sour more likely to appear insufficient, so the proportion of sour, bitter both to coffee in the taste of the development space. Bitterness mainly depends on the roasting time and the strength of the fire, whether the fire is appropriate or not, but it will also be affected by the brewing temperature and brewing time, so the coffee bitter taste that wants to be brewed is advanced and refreshing. In addition to the good quality of raw beans, it is more necessary to have rich knowledge and technology from roasting to brewing.


Acidity is certainly affected by the quality and variety of green beans. In terms of variety elevation, coffee grown in high places is more acidic than coffee grown in low places, and beans freshly harvested are more acidic than beans aged for a while after harvest. Different types of acid, its increase and decrease changes are also different, generally lighter baked beans, sour more abundant, baked deeper, sour more scarce. Freshly harvested beans, good quality, high moisture content, if the appropriate heat to produce moderate sour, will make coffee taste better, let people feel more depth.


Generally we use strong alcohol to express the coffee ripe, aromatic alcohol, strong taste. The unique sweetness of high-grade coffee is related to bitterness, so the refreshing taste of the superior taste must be sweet. In the baking process, some carbohydrates such as sugar will be caramelized, and the rest will form a sweet taste. This sweet and moderate heat product is easily lost during baking and brewing if the heat treatment is excessive.