Coffee review

Control of Diseases and pests in Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, (1) Pest control 1. Coffee tiger longicorn beetles are distributed in all coffee producing areas in the world, and also occur in Yunnan, Guangxi and Hainan Island in China. It is one of the major pests of coffee. The coffee tiger longicorn beetle harms the coffee trunk for more than 2 years. At first, it eats between the cambium and xylem, and then eats the xylem. The victim was in a curved tunnel filled with sawdust.

(1) Pest control

1. Coffee tiger longicorn beetles are distributed in all coffee producing areas in the world, and also occur in Yunnan, Guangxi and Hainan Island in China. It is one of the major pests of coffee. The coffee tiger longicorn beetle harms the coffee trunk for more than 2 years. At first, it eats between the cambium and xylem, and then eats the xylem. The victim showed a curved tunnel, which was filled with sawdust, which had a great impact on coffee. In light cases, the plants were yellowed, withered branches and fruit fell, and in serious cases, the whole plant died. The injured part is often broken in the wind and rain because of the loss of mechanical support. Sometimes it eats the roots of coffee, making the plants lose the ability to regenerate. At the initial stage of the damage, there was no obvious hole in the appearance, but only slightly raised in the epidermis of the injured area.

Prevention and control methods:

The main results are as follows: (1) creating an ecological environment suitable for coffee growth, strengthening management and reasonable pruning can play a certain role in prevention and control. The damage of coffee tiger longicorn beetles in a proper shaded environment is less than that in full-light environment, and coffee trees with strong growth have a certain insect-resistant ability.

(2) to hunt and kill adults and larvae manually, and cut off the injured branches in time and burn them.

(3) before the adult comes out of the hole from February to June, the stem with a diameter of more than 1.5cm can be mixed with lindane or nail stem 1605 with yellow mud, cow dung and water, and applied to the corked trunk with good effect.

2. The black branch bark beetle of coffee is seriously damaged by this insect in China. Most of them are harmful to annual branches and tender stems, causing withered branches and leaves within a few weeks after the damage. The peak period of damage is from May to June, and according to the survey, the damage rate can reach 60% during the peak period.

From the appearance of the damaged branches, the injured is a small hole, there are tunnels in the hole, sometimes more than a dozen wormholes can appear on the same branch, eggs, larvae and adults can coexist at the same time, and generations overlap. The overwintering period is mainly adult, and there is dormancy in the low temperature period.

Prevention and control methods:

(1) combined with pruning to remove pest branches. From January to March, when the adults were in the overwintering period, the withered branches were removed in the whole garden, and all the dead branches, especially the dead branches in the parts, were completely removed and burned. Cut off on the same day, burn on the same day, through the test, the prevention and control of this method can reach 85%.

(2) in the first ten days of May, a whole-garden spray of 500-fold fenitrothion or 400-fold malaphos was used, which could inhibit the insect population to a certain extent.

(3) regularly clean up the miscellaneous shrubs in the windbreak forest outside the garden and cut them clean.

3. Coffee leopard bark moth is widely distributed, is one of the common coffee pests, but also harms a variety of cash crops. It can eat off the trunk ring with a diameter of 4cm to 5cm. The larvae overwintered in the branches, and the larvae often ate upward in the branches, forming a tunnel of 30cm to 60cm. Prevention and control methods:

The main results are as follows: (1) combined with coffee tree pruning, cut off the damaged branches and burn them centrally.

(2) stab the larva to death by stabbing the worm track with wire.

(3) injecting 1:10 times dichlorvos into the wormhole, then stuffing the hole with stained cotton and sealing the hole with mud, which can poison the larvae that harm the main stem of coffee.

4. Scale insect tip

The main results are as follows: (1) Coffee green scale beetle can be harmful to both adult trees and seedlings, and branches, leaves, stems and fruits are all harmful objects. The leaves yellowed after injury, abnormal crepe, and often induced a large number of soot disease, which had a great impact on the photosynthesis and plant growth of coffee. Prevention and cure method: spray with dimethoate or malathion 1 400 × 500 times water spray once every other week for 3 times in a row, the effect is very good. It can also be sprayed with stone sulfur mixture or turpentine mixture. In the natural environment, many natural enemies of green scale insects, among which Beauveria bassiana and scale black fungus are the best. In the rainy season, the host rate of Beauveria bassiana is more than 90%.

(2) the coffee root pink scale is mainly harmful to the root, which is damaged near the root neck at the initial stage, and then gradually spreads to the main root and lateral root, sucking its sap. The insect is transmitted by ants and symbiosis with fungi. In the later stage of the damage, the fungus formed a series of grayish-brown tumor bags in the root, which wrapped the worm in it, and died because of the blackening and decay of the root. The target is the small seed. Control method: at the initial stage of the damage, dichlorobenzene powder was scattered in the soil around the root neck with a depth of about 10 cm, and the death rate reached 92% after 7 days. In the later stage of the damage, the topsoil around the root can be removed, the depth is about 10 cm, 30 grams of p-dichlorobenzene are sprinkled, and then the soil is firmly covered, and the mortality rate can reach 100% after 7 days.

(2) Disease prevention and control:

The main results are as follows: 1. Coffee rust is the main disease of coffee, the most harmful, the damaged plants, the light ones reduce the yield, the heavy ones die. The disease mainly harms small-grain coffee and large-grain coffee, while medium-grain coffee has strong resistance to rust.

Coffee inducement is mainly harmful to leaves, and sometimes to young fruits and twigs. After the leaves are susceptible, many light yellow spots appear at first, and expand in the shape of water stains, and then there is a pile of orange-yellow powdery spores on the back of the leaves, and there is a light green halo around the disease spots, which gradually expand or connect together in the later stage, becoming irregular disease spots, and the disease spots finally dry up, showing dark brown, and the whole susceptible leaves fall off.

Coffee rust occurs in Hainan Island from October to April to May of the following year.

Prevention and control methods:

(1) breeding varieties resistant to rust, such as Cardamo and S.288 in small seed coffee. Quarantine work should be done strictly during introduction to prevent the spread of germs.

(2) strengthen tending management and improve plant disease resistance.

(3) to remove the pathogen. The seedlings in the nursery should be checked frequently to remove the diseased leaves; the plants in the coffee garden should be pruned to remove the weak branches and diseased leaves, especially before the end of the dry season, and all the diseased leaves should be removed immediately as soon as they are found. and combined with chemical control.

(4) Chemical control. The use of 1% Bordeaux liquid spray, the first time should be before the rainy season, according to the specific conditions and the severity and severity of the disease, generally every 2 to 3 weeks spray, strychnine has a preventive effect on coffee rust, has a therapeutic effect at the initial stage of the disease. Use 25% wettable powder 35g / mu or 5% WP 150g / mu, spray 30kg of water.

2. Coffee anthracnose occurs in almost all coffee cultivated areas. It is mainly harmful to coffee leaves. After the initial infection of the leaves, there are light brown spots on the upper and lower surfaces, with a diameter of about 3 cm. The centers of these lesions are grayish white and turn completely gray in the later stage, with black dots arranged in concentric circles. Infection often begins at the edge of the leaf. The disease can spread to branches and fruits: causing branches to dry up; after the fruit is infected, there are sunken spots that turn black, and the flesh hardens and clings to the beans.

Prevention and control methods:

(1) strengthen tending management (including reasonable fertilization and correct pruning) to create a microclimate environment suitable for coffee growth, make coffee trees grow healthily and improve disease resistance.

(2) Chemical control

The control effect of ① 1RV 3RV 100 Bordeaux liquid is better.

② abroad introduced the use of 1% carbendazim in two weeks after flowering began to spray for the first time, after three weeks to spray once, a total of 8 times, can receive a good control effect.

3. Coffee leaf spot is also called brown spot. All kinds of coffee can be infected with the disease. It is the most popular in cloudy and wet weather. Mainly damaged leaves, the damaged leaves showed irregular large disease spots, the disease spots were dark brown or black, without wheel lines, and withered in severe cases. Seedlings and young trees are particularly susceptible to infection, often causing wilt.

Prevention and control methods:

Once symptoms are found, the garden should be cleaned immediately, the diseased leaves should be collected and burned, and 0.5% Bordeaux solution should be sprayed to protect the plants.

4. Coffee brown root disease, which harms the root of coffee and affects the growth of aboveground parts, and the leaves gradually change from glossy oil-green to yellowish green. When the disease was serious, the plant growth declined significantly, the leaves gradually withered, drooped brown, and finally the whole plant died. In China, this disease occurs more frequently in Hainan Island.

Prevention and control methods:

The main results are as follows: (1) choose strong and disease-free seedlings to plant and get rid of diseased plants.

(2) mildly diseased plants can cut off the diseased roots, apply concentrated acid copper mixture or tarmac on the wound, and then cultivate the soil to restore its growth.

(3) avoid using tree species that are vulnerable to brown root disease, such as paulownia or Acacia, as shade trees.

5. Avoid line blight, which mostly occurs in the rainy season, and medium-grain coffee is more likely to be infected. When the leaves are susceptible, the back of the leaves is covered with a layer of gray spider web-like fungal cords, which turn black in the later stage, slightly brittle and shiny in drought, soft and easy to peel off when wet. The fungal cord can spread to the branches. The leaves turn yellow after being killed, and finally turn black and fall off. Some fallen leaves are suspended from the branches by fungal cords.

Prevention and control methods:

The susceptible plants should be pruned in time, and the pruned branches and leaves should be collected and burned. 1% Bordeaux can be sprayed before winter, once every 14 days, usually 3-4.