Coffee review

The basic situation of Coffee Tree planting Coffee harvesting and processing

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Timely harvest is an important link to ensure high coffee yield and improve product quality. The standard of harvest varies with different varieties: the harvest time of small seed coffee is more concentrated, and the fruit can be harvested when the fruit turns red, and it should be picked with ripening. If the fruit turns red completely, the fruit is easy to fall off. The harvest time of medium-and large-grain coffee is longer, and it can wait until more fruits are red or purple.

Timely harvest is an important link to ensure high yield and improve product quality of coffee. Harvesting standards vary according to varieties: the harvest period of Arabica coffee is relatively concentrated, the fruit can be harvested when it turns red, and it should be harvested with maturity. If it is completely red, the fruit is easy to fall off. Medium and large-grain coffee has a longer harvest period and can be harvested in batches when more fruits are red or purple, which can save labor.

(ii) Processing

1, dry processing will be harvested fresh fruit drying on the sun,(about 15 to 20 days) or electric oven drying, and then with a huller, electric mill to remove the peel and seed coat, and then screen to fruit, seed coat and impurities, that is, into commercial coffee beans. This method is relatively simple and convenient, but the quality of coffee beans is poor.

2, wet processing is a relatively advanced processing method, the quality of beans after processing is good, the processing procedures are as follows:

(1)Fruit washing removes dirt or debris sticking to the outside of the fruit.

(2)To peel with a peeling machine or worker. The use of human-driven peeling machine, can process 35~40 kg of fresh fruit per hour; with small electric peeling machine high efficiency, 250~400 kg of fresh fruit per hour; large electric peeling machine, 3~4 tons of fresh fruit per hour.

(3)Good peeling machine has peeling equipment, that is, the use of power to separate beans and peel. If you use manual skin, each worker can only be divided into 52 jin, work efficiency is very low.

(4)Degumming: Soaking the peeled beans in a fermentation tank or water tank. The length of fermentation time varies with the type of coffee and the temperature. Arabica coffee takes 24 to 36 hours, medium coffee takes 36 to 38 hours; the temperature is high, the fermentation time can be shorter. Change the water every 12 hours. The length of fermentation time directly affects the quality of coffee beans, too short a time, degumming is not complete, not easy to dry, the color of beans is not good; too long a time, beans with sour. After degumming should be immediately washed beans, usually in large fruit washing tank. After washing, beans can be dried or dried. Large-scale processing plants generally use a dryer or drying chamber for drying, drying time 24 to 3 ~ 6 hours, drying chamber temperature in the first 3 to 6 hours for 90 to 100 degrees. C, the next 3 to 6 hours should remain 80. C. Finally maintained at 60. C to completely dry, if dried, it takes 5 to 7 days. After drying, hulling treatment is carried out to obtain commercial beans.

Attention should be paid to:

(1)Mature fruit and immature fruit can not be mixed together, it is best to grade before peeling, otherwise the size of beans is different, affecting quality and reducing commodity value.

(2)Do not break the seed shell when peeling, otherwise the seed kernel will turn black during fermentation, thus reducing the quality of the product.